𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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"WHAT QUALITIES DO YOU SEEK in a lady, Mr. Barnell? Of course besides possessing the ability of being able to be wed, bed, and bred, as a select few may put it." Adila arched her eyebrows while he looked at her with widened eyes, clearly taken aback. "Now, do not act so surprised."

Lord Barnell quickly stood up and hesitantly, he bowed respectfully, blinking at her. "I must get going."

"Farewell." Celine sighed as she watched the man scurry out. "Adila, it is crucial that you stop intimidating every potential suitor."

"Mama," she sighed. "I desire, at the very least, to marry someone who takes responsibility for their own actions and does not shy away from the consequences."

"No. At the very least, you are to be wed to someone who can provide you with a sense of security and respect." The woman clad in beige sternly corrected as she stood up from the plush white arm chair.

"That is precisely the issue!" Adila scoffed, her hand hidden behind a blue glove shot up. "Not a single one of these gentlemen holds me in esteem. I am merely viewed as a pretty countenance in their eyes."

"And a pretty countenance you shall remain. Until such time as someone makes a proposal, that is." She said, coming up to tuck her daughter's hair behind her hair. "I fear your wit may be sufficient to intimidate any man worthy of your attention."

"Mother, please understand what I want-" Pausing, she sighed with a shake of her head, gingerly pushing her hand away. "-what I desire is a gentleman who is not daunted by my intellect, but rather captivated by it."

"My darling, please. If it is a love match you are looking for, the idea that you may not find it pains me dearly." Celine said as she nudged Adila's chin affectionately. "Kindly do me a favour and maintain an open-minded approach. Moving forward, your younger siblings are expected to arrive around noon, luckily, having finished their education just in time to spend some quality time with Nadia."

"Must she really leave? Can't her husband be without her for more than a mere few days?" Fiddling with the gems on her purple dress, she frowned.

"Enough with the frowning." With a firm grip on Adila's hand, her mother pulled her up and promptly led the way, guiding her through the beautiful main living area and towards the exit. "Once you are married, you will understand."

"I wouldn't count on it, mother." Adila huffed as they stepped out into the hallway only to freeze at her mom's sharp gaze. "That is pondering over my predicament with my present suitors, of course."


"I will also make an effort to find ways to improve."


"And substitute them collectively?" Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she couldn't help but actually ponder the thought. "Actually, upon further reflection, I certainly can do better than Lord Barnell."

"Adila Bellerose." Celine's eyes narrowed, a cautionary expression etched across her face.

"Mama, I am truly baffled. What is it that you want from me?" She huffed, barely fighting the urge to throw her head back in annoyance. "I possess far too much pride to allow myself to be diminished in such a way. By you and by any man."

Before her mother could respond, a voice that had appeared to be plaguing her since her arrival in London echoed. "I hope I am not interrupting?"

"Oh, Anthony!" Eyes widening in delight, Celine quickly ushered him up the steps. "The only matter you are disturbing is Adila's arduous effort to prevent herself from leaping out of this window." She shook her head as she nodded to the large, open window.

"Actually, he is precisely in time to watch. I am sure this will bring immense joy to our dear viscount." The girl with hazel eyes scoffed, her gaze fixed unwaveringly on the man's face. "Another woman to tick off his list. No need for an interview. Please do not thank me."

He coughed to clear his throat, suppressing the sneer remarks bubbling in his throat."I am actually here to converse with you."

"You are interested in having a conversation with me?" She squinted her eyes at him as he stood there with a forced grin on his face and his hands firmly held behind his back. "Mother?"

"Do whatever it is you may do, darling." The women in beige said, although it was directed towards Anthony as she squeezed his bicep before turning to Adila. "Be good."

"What-" And her mother was off before she could finish. Letting out a deep sigh, her gaze returned to Anthony's. "To what do I owe this pleasure, my lord?"

"Am I not allowed to wish to converse with you?" He tilted his head, almost mockingly as she led him back to the intricately decorated living area.

"Right, of course. I am to just believe that you have come this way. Just to chat over tea." Adila scoffed in disbelief. "You and I did not dance at the ball, hence there is no justification for your presence in my home."

"You refrained from dancing with Mr. Barnell, yet he was present nonetheless, am I correct?" He inquired once again while attentively observing her elegant movements as she gracefully circled the luxurious white chair and settled down.

"You are not mistaken, but that is really not your business." She said, softly shrugging her shoulders. "So please, Mr. Bridgerton, I kindly request your honesty."

"Did you not deem my honesty good enough when you eavesdropped last night?" Anthony questioned, his eyes squinting as he watched the girl pause before letting out a small humorless laugh.

"You know, my lord, I suggest you depart at once. Perhaps your opinion shall do more good amongst your inner circle." She raised her eyebrows up in encouragement. "Kindly inform them that I am extremely objectionable. Hopefully that will deter them from returning back here. Is that all?"

Furrowing his eyebrows at the unfazed girl, Anthony shook his head with a deep sigh. "Ms. Bellerose, I am here to court you."

"Please leave my home."


"I believe it is time for you to depart." Adila stood up, smoothing out the wrinkles on her dress.

"Why?" His eyes almost wide in puzzlement as he shot up. "I hold the title of Viscount. I am able to offer you a feeling of safety and admiration, and I am undoubtedly a man of honour."

"Oh please." Shaking her head, she couldn't help the laugh that left her mouth once more. "Did one of your paramours feed you such false information about yourself?"

"That is rich coming from you-"

"Is it now?"

"Incredibly." He huffed, pointing an angry finger in her direction.

"Oh dear! You have accused me, I am terribly hurt." Adila allowed her eyes to grow wide as she mockingly feigned pain. "You have quite the nerve, Anthony Bridgerton. Arriving here to court me and then brazenly disrespecting me. What was it that changed your mind? Perhaps my hips aren't wide enough to bear children? Am I not sufficiently attractive? Oh! It must be that I do not possess even half a brain. Is that accurate, my lord?"

"Kindly refrain from acting so superior, Lady Bellerose." With a scornful expression etched on his face, he cast a piercing gaze in her direction. "You have turned down nearly every potential partner who has approached you, yet you believe you have the right to criticise my standards for a lady? If you hold the conviction that you shall attain a love match, then that alone is sufficient to amuse me until the end of this season."

Leaning onto the back of the couch she was previously sitting on, she gave him a sarcastic smile. "I am delighted that my desires provide you with amusement, my lord. Rest assured, I shall present you with my diary on our next encounter." Letting out a small sigh, she was quiet for a moment before she continued. "I must offer my apologies to those who may have influenced you to pursue me, but simply waiting for the queen to announce the diamond of the season would have been adequate."

"That is the sole matter upon which we can find common ground." He cleared his throat, his voice going down a few levels.

"I have no desire to seek further agreement with you. Please leave."

𝐁𝐞𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝; 𝘼𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙤𝙣Where stories live. Discover now