Chapter 3 | The Rookie

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7 years have passed since Team 3806 stationed in Obidiah. The team has mostly been dealing with rebels that have been trying to loot other fellow Strikers' stations, including Team 3806. Some even killed Strikers for political gain and rebellion of global power among Comatarus. Rebels have felt that the Strikers were at fault for taking away their freedoms of a free planet for the government to gain their trust. This has been going on since the Adam and Eve war hundreds of years ago, and the Strikers have not figured out how to stop them without getting the UNC involved.

An armored Striker vehicle, along with 2 P18 quadcopters, heads for Team 3806's station, sending in a 6th soldier to be recruited with the team. Three of the vehicles pull up, and the rookie jumps out of the 3rd, walking towards the outpost to be acquainted with the rest of the team. As the soldier walks in wearing his tented helmet, Lee sits on a crate, playing with his knife tossing it in the air and making it spin on his finger, noticing him. Rufus stands near a pole watching the rookie's every move while holding a crate full of fusion grenades. Jason sits in a chair, cleaning his power rifle, and notices the rookie as well. Emma turns to face the rookie with no expression, while Shawn is talking to Colonel Booker about one of the outposts that got raided yesterday.

"Commander," Emma called.

Shawn glanced at the rookie for a second, then looked at Emma, noding his head.

"Several of our men were killed during the raid," Colonel said, "It was apparent that rebel activity was present at that time. But what concerns me is the fact that Team 2060 hasn't responded in 3 days and been having some unknown activity within their station."

"Any luck what's been going on with them?" Shawn asked, "There has been a lot of unknown activity within these mountains for quite some time now. I'm hoping it's just some vacuous rebels figuring out how to trick us into a trap."

"Only God knows what's been going on," Colonel said, "What I've been told however there is an unusual, let's say, item that's been located 2 miles near the stations location that one of our birds have spotted last night, and need you and your team to figure out what's going on. I'm counting on your soldier."

"Copy that," Shawn said. "We'll find out what's going on. O'Conner out."

Shawn turns around to see the rookie in full T45 Mark IV Striker armor with tented visors.

"So that's our new number 6," Rufus said, laying the create down, "How exciting."

"We'll see how long he'll last in combat," Jason said bluntly, "He looks like an amateur compared to the last guy that was with us."

"I wouldn't bet on that one, Jason," Lee warned in response, "He looks like that the type of guy you shouldn't mess with."

"Actually," Emma interrupted, "I've read his file. He's got a pretty good skill set compared to the last Lieutenant."

Shawn approaches the rookie with a crooked smile.

"Lieutenant," Shawn called.

"Commander, sir," 6 answered.

"I'm Shawn, Titan team leader."

Everyone heads to the P18s as Shawn introduces the team.

"This is Emma and Jason Titans 2 and 3," Shawn continues while pointing, "Lee and Rufus 4 and 5. You're with me 6."

Shawn and 6 head to one the P18s with Jason and Lee, headed to Team 2060's station.

"Just a little head up," Shawn continues getting his helmet on, "You're about to step into one of the most toughest grounds here in Comatarus. I'm just glad we can have a full team at last. Just one thing, I've read your file, even though the Anony sensors didn't want me to, but we're a team. I understand why you keep your identity sacred, but just to be clear, that lone wolf stuff stays behind, clear?"

"Understood, sir,"

As everyone was seated in the P18s, they lifted off to the skies.

"Welcome to Obidiah," Lee said humorously.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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