Black Parade

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The school bell woke me up. Crap! I thought, I fell asleep in class again.
As I walked to my next class, I plugged myself in, and played Welcome to the Black Parade. I let myself melt into the song as I focused on Gerard's voice as I walked through the hallways, invisible to everyone. 

English sucked, as always. It's the longest class I have, but at least I get lunch when it's done.
Most of the time I eat lunch alone because my friends at the orphanage are older than me, so that means different lunches. Dani's sixteen, two years older than me, and Charlie's one year older than her. I really hope they get stuck in my lunch today.
"Hey loser."
"Oh, good, you guys are here," I turned to see Dani and Charlie.
"Yeah, we got stuck in the freshman lunch, yay," Charlie said sarcastically.
"Well, I'm happy."
"Guess what!" Dani answered before I could. "Ms. Schmitt's got some good news for us when we get back."
"What kind of good news..?" I asked cautiously. Sometimes she says it's good news, but sometimes it isn't.
Dani shrugged her shoulders. "As long as it's good news does it matter?"
"I guess not."

After school we walked back to the orphanage. Since we were older, we had to pick up the little kids.
"They're so annoying!" Dani whined. "And slow."
I rolled my eyes. "We're almost there. We need to get a new bike."
"Yeah, but only you know how to ride."
"Well one on the handlebars, and there's spokes on the wheels that they could ride on."
"But none of us have money."
It fell silent after that.

As soon as we got back, Ms. Schmitt told us the news.
"As you know, we're part of the International Association of Orphanages. Well, this orphanage is getting a little full, so I signed us up for this International Trade idea. What happens is a few children are sent from one orphanage to another, usually from one country to another, but we're already in a country where the kids are usually sent. The list of who is getting sent is right here. The following will be getting sent to the Thornwell Home for Children in South Carolina: Stacey, Riley, Brittney, Charlie, Bradyn, and Dani. You all leave tomorrow right after school. Start packing as soon as you get upstairs!" she left the room.
"Oh my god," I felt sick. My only friends were leaving forever.
"I can't believe we're finally leaving!" Dani hugged Charlie. Charlie threw her a warning look and she turned around. "Dude, I'm so sorry but you know I need to get out of here. I'll miss you so much," she hugged me but I didn't hug back. I was too in shock.

Dani and I went to our room to start packing. I helped her take down her posters, until I got to my favorite.
"This is the one we bonded over, remember?" I looked at it with tears in my eyes.
"Oh yeah," she looked at the poster. "You came into your new room and saw the poster. It was the start of your love for My Chem."
"Yeah. I'm going to miss seeing this over your bed every night."
"And I'm going to miss seeing your face waking me up every morning without eyeliner."
"Um, Dani, that's something I would say...I don't wear that much eyeliner."
"I know, I was trying to cheer us up."
"Oh. Well, what are you going to do about school?"
She shrugged. "I hate it anyways. Would it be so bad to quit?"
"Well, yeah! You want a future right?"
"But isn't music better?"
I couldn't say no to that.

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