Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I awoke to a knock on the door. I opened my eyes to see someone standing in the doorway with a tray. The man looked like he was a nurse. He was wearing teal scrubs and had a welcoming smile on his face.

Weakly, I smiled back and sat up. Sebastian groaned and started to rub his eyes as he slowly woke up from his slumber. I smiled down at him then looked back at the nurse.

“I have brought your lunch.” I glanced over to the clock and noticed it was 11:45. Fifteen minutes until Spencer would be back. I nodded to the nurse and examined him as he walked over to the bed and put the plate down on the tray that goes over my lap.

The food actually looked halfway decent. It had cooked carrots, corn, something that looked like meatloaf, and, of course, pudding. I decided to let Sebastian eat a little bit because I was sure that he hadn’t had anything this morning.

The nurse walked out of the room and I could have sworn I saw a smirk on his tan face. I noticed a tattoo on the back of his neck. It was a small ying yang symbol. There was something written underneath it but he was too far away for me to be able to tell what it said.

I shook my head and looked down at Sebastian. “Are you hungry?” I asked, smiling. He nodded his little blonde head and opened his mouth. I laughed and stabbed one of the carrots. I was about to put it in his mouth when I stopped, looking up.

Standing in the doorway was another nurse.  A female. She, too, was carrying a tray. The food on hers was different than the one on mine. “Who brought you that?” She asked, her eyes widening.

I quickly pulled the fork away from Sebastian and shrugged. “Some guy in scrubs. Black hair, brown eyes, tan. He had a tattoo on the back of his neck.”

She shook her head. “That can’t be. There is not a single nurse in this entire hospital that has a tattoo on their neck. It’s against the policy. No one can have visible tattoos.” She turned around and started to yell to someone. I wasn’t sure who but about half a second later, Spencer stepped into view. Agent Morgan was with him, again, and a woman. She was blonde and beautiful. She had a motherly look to her and I automatically knew she had a child.

“What’s going on?” Agent Morgan asked, Spencer squeezing into the room. The nurse explained that they don’t serve food on that kind of plate. Spencer looked down at the plate then back to Agent Morgan. Spencer put the food he brought with him into the chair and pulled out an evidence bag. He put the plate of food into it and had me drop the fork in.

I glanced at Sebastian who was looking just how I imagined. He was a mix between scared, curious, and hungry. His blue eyes looked from me to Spencer. “I’m hungry!” He said, narrowing his eyes. I couldn’t help but to laugh. Sebastian definitely was a smart child.

Spencer looked at him, just as shocked at Agent Morgan was. He let the nurse go and walked into the room, the woman following. “This needs to be tested. I’m sure that someone was trying to poison her.” The woman nodded and took the bag.

“I’ll bring it to the hospital’s lab right now.” She walked out the door, glancing back at Sebastian and me and smiling gently.

“Sorry, I didn’t anticipate these two coming but Hotch made them come along.” Spencer glared at Agent Morgan then walked over to the chair, picking up the food. “I brought Chinese, though.” A smile crossed his face for a split second then he started to take the food out, placing it on the tray.

Agent Morgan walked over and sat in the chair. “You forgot drinks, kid. You should go get some. Wouldn’t want them to dehydrate on us.” Spencer turned and I figured he was glaring at Agent Morgan but I couldn’t tell because his back was to me.

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