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This is my first book that I have ever writen so sorry if there are any grammer or spelling mistakes.

My alarm clock went of to the anoying sound of a thousand beeps in my ears . I started hitting it to turn off which normally takes a few knocks. I sat up rubbing at my eyes which were adjusting to the sharp light coming through the  blinds of the window. Slipping on my bunny slippers I walked over to my desk. I still have not finished my extra credit thesis paper for english literature.I opened one of my drawers and grabed a pen then started writting from were I left of last night. This is one of the subjects I have to work very hard for, even though I am a grade ahead I struggle with english literature.

I was almost finished... one sentence to go.
I put a full stop at the end of the the sentence and gave a sigh of relief. I hopped up from the desk putting my paper into my bag. I looked at the clock and saw it was only ten minutes till school starts. I quickly slipped on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt I once got at a Lady Gaga concert. I ran down stairs, grabed an apple and put my Converse sneakers on. I yelled a goodbye to my dad and put my hair in a messy ponytail. I started pedling to school, luckily school was only three blocks away.

I was pedling like my life depended on it. As I got onto the school grounds
I pushed my bicycle into the bicycle stand and locked it just as the bell rang. I ran to my locker shoved my unnecessary books into it and walked to homeroom. I sat down in my usual desk next to the window and took out my schetch pad and started drawing.

I heard somone call my name and looked up to Tyler waving. I waved back and gave a small smile. He aproached me then asked,"How was term break , hopefully not to boring without me?" I slapped his arm playfully and giggled. "Actually it was more fun without you." I lied and gave a smile . It was actually really boring without him, Tyler is my only friend and I was usaully at his house or he at mine. The only fun I had was when my aunt Vicky came to the house and we painted bird houses except from that it was pretty boring.
"But seriously how was it and sorry I wasn't here." He said sympathicly."It was fine, boring ,but fine and you had to go to the basketball tournament the team depended on you plus this could mean a step closer to a scolership." I said, he shruged and sat in front of me ,when Mr Baxtor had just walked in.

I looked down at my sketch pad and caried on drawing. Mr Baxtor cleared his throat, "Good morning everyone did you have a good term break?" he asked and I could hear them all say 'yes' in sync me included. He walked over to his desk and started talking about the wonderful time he had during term break. I tuned out after a few words ,but then my head popped up when I heard him say "This is our new student, he has transferred from Kingsgate academy and will be attending our school from now on." Mr Baxtor announced. I saw a tall  hooded boy stand next to Mr Baxtor. Mr Baxtor was deciding were this new boy must be seated I was just hoping it was not in the empty chair behind me. I could see another open seat in front of Tracy who would probaly love to have a boy sit in front of her who she could flirt with, honestly I think she has flirted with every guy in school.

I crossed my fingers, it was always nice to have a open seat behind me because I usaully put all my stuff on it that weren't necessary or forgot to put in my locker. I looked up to see Mr Baxtor point a finger in my direction I immediately knew he was not pointing at me but the empty seat behind me. There goes my extra shelf and desk for my books and things. The new boy walked in my direction, he had a piece of black hair sticking out from under his hood and I couldn't see his face very well exept for a piercing in his bottom lip.

I turned around while  Mr Baxtor was handing out our new schedule for the term and asked , "Hi my names Maxine,but everyone calls me Max and yours?" Trying to speak in my politest vioce. He starred at me for a few seconds with a confused look on his face then he extended his hand to me "My name is Alexander but everyone were I came from called me Alec." He said in a British acsent which made me melt a little, it sounded so sexy, no wonder girls always go crazy for those  one direction band and british actors when they start talking. I saw him look down at his hand and I realized he wanted me to shake it. I shook his hand which made a little shiver go threw my body.  This was a very weird feeling for me it felt so new, it chould not be because he's a boy I hug Tyler all the time.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mr Baxtor came by my desk and I quickly turned around. Looking at my schedule he had placed down. I was glad to have art right after english something to brighten up my mood after my horrible english lesson and to my wonderful art lesson which I love. I was not happy to have P.T after break I could never run on a full stomach when I was young and still can't.

I heard the bell ring for next period and I started walking to the door when I felt someone hold me back.

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