Chapter 4:

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Sorry I did not write to much I was suppose to write a bit more in chapter 3 but my friend pionted out it would be good to leave it at a bit of a cliff hanger. AND sorry if there are lots of errors:-( I am writting this on my phone- so mabye some typos or lots . hahaha

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Max's POV:

"Ya, I moved here from London, Shane's dad, Rouk, is my uncle. "Alec said.

So that's his name I never really paid any attention to Shane's surname so I was trying to aviod saying Mr. Whatever to his father.

"What are you doing here? " Alec asked. Before I could answer back Shane interrupted. "I am her english tutor. " He said with a smirk plastered on his face giving me a wink. Alec gave Shane a glare.

I looked behind them and saw a boy with big glasses, dark brown hair and he also had green eyes like Shane's but lighter, he looked about fourteen or fifteen years old. Next to him was two boys, you could see they were twin, they both had light blue eyes and the only difference they had was that one had lighter blond hair than the other and one had a beauty park under his left eye and the other one had a beauty mark on his chin. They looked younger than me but probaly not by much. A guy that looked a few years older than Shane stood next to Rouk. He had wavy surfer brown hair not to long, his hair is ubove his shoulders with a bandana in it. His eyes was a kind of hazelnut colour.He looked about 22,21?

I looked back at Shane and Alec , Alec was still glaring at Shane and Shane was just smirking.

" Guy's can you please stop acting like children. Shane we really need to work , I have to go home at 5:30pm and its already 4:35 pm. " I said a little to harshly than I was going for.

"Sorry" They all said in sinc.

I looked at Shane and before I knew it we were at the to top of the stairs going to his room. I walked in and my eye's grew wider every step I took into his room. It was masive and wonderful. There was a king size bed, a balcony and a nother door which is probaly his own bathroom ,walk-in closset or leading to another room. The carpet looked super soft and warm and ubove his bed was a big poster of a thousand or so different cars( how obvious- total boy poster).

He walked to a cuboured and grabed a black shirt , but before he pulled it over his head I sow a smallish triangle and in that triangle a eagle emerged with a wolf in black ink tatooded between his shoulder blades. It looked beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes of it , it was so intriguing and kind of sexy if I might say so.

I was snapped out of my staring contest with Shanes back when he pulled down his shirt. He started walking to me and I quickly turn towards his bed to hide my slight blush then went to sit down. I've known Shane for quiet a while now , about a year mabye less. So , I was kind of comfortable with him now.

He walked to his desk and grabed an english text book and pencil then went to sit down next to me.

I opened my side bag and took out my books. I looked for a pen in my bag, then I started to scratch through my bag frantically. 

Crap ,I forgot a pen.

I looked up at Shane and saw that his dark green eye's were staring at me. He looked a bit confused in what I was looking for.

" Um....can I mabye borrow a pen or something to write with, if that's ok?"  I asked looking down again.

"Sure, why wouldn't it be ok?" I felt the bed move and then he handed me a clutch pencil.

"I don't no...I...well some people don't really know...sharing." I said tring not to stutter.

Damn you nerves!

"Aah , you don't have to worry about me not sharing anything with you. I will gladly share." He said a seductive vioce and gave a grin. He moved a bit closer to me.

I looked up at him with a confused look on my face, he just laughed.

What did he mean by ' I will gladly share' ? Oh well that is the least of my worries .I have to get my english grades up ,last semester I had 70% , that is so not good enough!

Alec's POV:

I stood with my ear too the wall , trying to listen to what they were saying.

I can't believe Shane actually said that. And I know what he meant by that and I will not let that happen, I need a plan.

I starred at my list and grined at my handy work  .

This is brilliant.

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