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This is copyright so please don't steal my idea. Hopefully everyone liked chapter one. Chapter two will be better.
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I quickly turned around to see who it was that was holding me back. To my surprise Alec had his head down and was holding onto my sleeve.

Alec's POV:

I lifted my head up to see Max staring at me with her bright blue eyes. Why did I have to ask her where my next class is, I don't want to sound like a lost puppy, well here goes nothing. "Um..can find my" I looked down to embarrassed to look at her. When she said , "Sure, anytime. " I looked up to see her with a smile plastered on her face.

She started walking out the class and signalled for me to follow. I did a little jog to catch up. " So what class do you have next?" she asked turning her head to face me. I looked at my schedule to see that I had science next. And said, "Science. " "Ooh, I have english next. " She said sounding a little disappointed. I did not know why though we had just met. "Well what do you have after that? " She asked sounding hopeful . I looked down at my schedule again to see that I had art afterwards. And said, "Art."I saw a smile appear on her face and she said," That's great, because I have art second period to ,so.....I will probaly see you then. " She said then pionted into a class "Well.... here we are science class. Mr Baxtor teaches this class so ask him anything you want. See you next period." She said walking off.

Max's POV:

I speed walked to my class , which I was already late for and could not stop thinking about Alec. What's wrong with me I just met him?

When I arrived the entire class was seated and the lesson had already began. I apologised to Ms McCreath and hurried to the only other seat due to my old one being behind Tracy.

Ms McCreath asked , "Did anyone complet the extra credit thesis papar?" I walked over to her desk handing in my last minute essay.

I felt something hit the back of my head, I turned around to see a crumpled up ball of paper on the floor. I picked it up then look up from my hands to see Tracy scolding me. I wondered why she would do that? I stuffed the paper in my pants and walked back to my seat. When I sat down I unfolded it to see if a message was inside and one was. It said....

Hey max, you better stay away from Alec he is mine. Or I will make your life a living hell.


How dare she tell me to stay away from him she doesn't even now him,but apparently she needs all the good looking guys in school around her pinky. I give a anoying sigh and crumple the paper back up.

Sorry for the long wait, but will try to make the next longer and will update sooner.


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