What's Your Name?

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"After your menstrual cycle, you must sleep with me. I don't want to force you; you must come to me willingly."

"I will go and get sanitary pads for myself," I said firmly, attempting to leave the room. However, he grabbed my wrist, preventing me from leaving. He pressed me against the wall, getting closer to me. His warm breath brushed against my cheeks, causing my breathing to become labored. He released his grip on my wrist, but positioned himself carefully, ensuring that he didn't touch my body. With his hands on either side of me, he created a barrier between me and the wall. Despite his proximity, I found myself strangely unresistant to his presence. I had never been fond of Yuvan's touch, even though I had agreed to marry him. This man, on the other hand, was a complete stranger, yet I felt oddly at ease in his closeness. I gazed into his eyes, which revealed a mixture of pain, anger, and various other emotions. Surprisingly, my heart responded differently to this stranger, rather than feeling anger or irritation.

"Do you think I won't sleep with you unless you agree?" he asked, pulling me back from my bewildering emotions.

"A true gentleman wouldn't do that. I wonder if your mother raised you to be a man or a pervert."

"Go to my room and open the wardrobe. You will find everything you need."

He instructed me before leaving. I made my way to his room and followed his instructions. Inside the wardrobe, I found dresses, sarees, jewelry, sanitary pads, and even necessary medications. It seemed as though he was either in a live in relationship or already married.

"Did you take what you need?" his voice startled me, causing me to tremble. I quickly gathered what I needed and left the room. After some time, I sat on the sofa in the living room, my legs aching. I longed to sleep, but the thought of sleeping on the floor during my period was dreadful. I wasn't sure how he would react if I decided to rest in the afternoon.


I heard his voice and quickly made my way to his room.

"Is lunch ready?"

"Not yet," I replied hesitantly.

"What were you doing until now? Didn't I tell you that I need everything on time?"


"Look, I don't want your reasons or excuses.  I expect the meal to be ready on the table within thirty minutes. Then, come and call me for lunch when it's done. You may go now."

Feeling drained, I started cooking. The mix of emotions due to my period made me tearful. All I wanted was to rest. With a heavy sigh, I managed to put together the meal. He ate it and then criticized it.

"Is this the best you could do? It's terrible. What were you thinking when you cooked it?"

Upon tasting it, I realized my mistake. One dish had too much salt, while another was too spicy. How could I have messed up so badly?

"Now, don't start your bloody drama by spilling those tears. Go and throw this food in the garbage. And then, prepare the food again."

Although I didn't want to start over, I knew I didn't have a choice. As I started cooking again, he came into the kitchen.

"Keep your mind under control and cook it. Otherwise, I will make you cook it again."

With a nod, I carefully prepared the meal. He ate silently this time, making no comments.

"Now, go clean my room."

"I'm...hungry," I stuttered.

"Delaying lunch and preparing it carelessly doesn't help you to earn your lunch today. If you work properly and prepare dinner well and on time, I will think about giving you food tonight. But for now, you deserve to go hungry to learn some discipline. Now go and start the work."

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