Silent Storm

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The mystery of my pregnancy baffled me, yet I trusted Ashwath implicitly. As a doctor, he wouldn't deceive me or jump to conclusions. Avika playfully left our room, teasing Ashwath and demanding a celebration. Despite his calm facade, I sensed the storm of emotions raging within him. My heart wavered between the peaceful life I sought with Ashwath and the dangerous bitter reality.

"Ash...Wath..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. The weight of his name hung heavily in the air, laden with unspoken emotions.

His command was succinct: "We are leaving for our home. Pack our belongings and come downstairs. I'll be waiting in the car." Ashwath's eyes bore into mine, revealing nothing. He turned and left the room, leaving me to grapple with the suddenness of it all.

I gathered our things, the suitcase feeling like an anchor. As I struggled to carry it down the stairs, my grip slipped. Panic surged through me, but before I could brace for impact, Ashwath's arm shot out, catching me just in time. His touch was gentle, unexpected. I clung to him, seeking solace in that fleeting moment.

"You should have called the bellboy," he chided softly, taking the luggage from my trembling hands. His fingers brushed mine, and I wondered if he felt the same turmoil I did.

The car ride was silent, punctuated only by the hum of the engine. Ashwath's profile remained stoic, unreadable. What did he suspect? My mind raced, but I dared not voice my thoughts.

As dawn painted the sky, we arrived in the city. Ashwath led me to a hospital, his protective grip unwavering. The sterile corridors swallowed us whole. He ordered tests—urgent, thorough. I submitted to the needles, the uncertainty gnawing at me. How could I explain the inexplicable? The pregnancy, a mystery even to me.

The house enveloped me in silence as Ashwath retreated to his room, refusing to acknowledge my presence.


"Just leave to your room, Vennela. I don't want to talk anything now."

"But Ashwath..."

"I said, leave," Ashwath yelled, throwing the flower vase.

The shattered flower vase lay at my feet, a testament to his anger.

Tears blurred my vision as I pressed my hand against my belly. For most women, motherhood was a blessing—a joyous anticipation. But my situation defied logic. How could I be pregnant when Ashwath had never touched me?

Ashwath's pain was palpable. His haunted past clung to him, and my unexpected pregnancy felt like a betrayal. Yet, I needed to prove my innocence. I couldn't let weakness consume me; I was Vennela—the strong-willed woman who stood up for herself, even in the face of adversity.

Why did this mystery unfold? Who stood to gain from our separation? My late father, perhaps? The world revered him as my pillar of support, but I knew the truth. He treated me as a mere subject for his medical experiments, indifferent to my well-being. I had escaped his clutches once, but fate brought me to him again.

Ashwath, the doctor, had tested me himself. My pregnancy was undeniable. He wouldn't stoop to cheap tricks. So, who else could be responsible? Yuvan? Impossible. I had kept him at arm's length even before our marriage.

My father's secrets haunted me. I had lost my career, my happiness—all because of him. Yet, I lacked evidence to expose him. Marrying Yuvan was meant to break free, but destiny had thrust Ashwath into my life—a storm that would either destroy me or free me forever from the suffering.

I was determined to change Ashwath's perspective and salvage our marriage. Despite the challenges, I believed he wasn't inherently bad. If I could gain his trust, perhaps we could work together to expose my father's misdeeds and restore my reputation. With this resolve, I reached out to my trusted group.

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