Mr Arrogant's Care

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Ashwath called me for dinner, and I went downstairs. As I tried to eat, pain shot through my hand, causing me to wince.

"What happened to your hand?" Ashwath asked.

"I was talking to you on the call when Yuvan came and slapped me. I fell to the ground; maybe that's when my hand got hurt," I explained, attempting to eat despite the fear Ashwath's fiery gaze instilled in me.

"Did he slap you?"

"It's just that..."

"Just answer my question."

I nodded.

"Why did you go there, and what happened? Tell me everything without leaving anything out."

I recounted everything that had transpired.

"Why did Yuvan feel so free to ask to get intimate with him? Did you do that before we were married?"

"Ashwath," I said through tears. Can this man ever speak sensibly?

"Your tears aren't answering my question, Vennela. How could he directly ask you to sleep with him if it hadn't happened before?"

I washed my hand and retreated to my room, hoping to put an end to the conversation. But Ashwath followed me into the room.

"I asked you something, and do you think you can leave easily without answering me? Tell me the answer," Ashwath demanded, his grip on my aching hand tightening as he pinned me against the wall.

"Ashwath, please, it's hurting," I pleaded.

"Answer me, and I'll let go. Until then, you'll have to bear it."

He twisted my hand further, and I couldn't help but cry out in pain, tears streaming down my face.

"Ashwath, I swear there's nothing between Yuvan and me. I don't know why he had made such a bold proposal. Please, let go," I begged, trying to endure the pain.

Finally, he released me, and I collapsed to the floor in tears. Moments before, he had shown me care, but now he had turned so violent.

Then, unexpectedly, Ashwath approached with a plate of food.

"Eat," he commanded, attempting to feed me.

"I'm not hungry," I protested weakly.

"If you refuse, I'll force you to eat everything as punishment. Your choice."

Was he out of his mind? Or was he trying to drive me insane? Reluctantly, I reached for the plate.

"No need. I'll feed you since your hand is injured," he said softly and began to feed me. After finishing the meal, I grabbed a water bottle with my hand and noticed the pain had vanished.

"Is the pain gone?" he inquired.

"Yes," I replied quietly, and he walked away without another word.

This man was truly mysterious. He had twisted my sprained hand under the guise of inflicting pain but had actually healed it. Was this his way of distracting me while fixing my hand?

Why couldn't he just tell me directly? Later that evening, after finishing his own meal, Ashwath returned to the bedroom.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"For what?" Ashwath demanded.

"For everything you did today."

"Whether I accept you as my wife or not, legally you are still my wife. It's my responsibility as your husband to protect and care for you."

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