10 Reasons why you should Read Morning and Evening Adhkar

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Why do we remember Allah in the morning and evening specifically? What is the reward of reciting them? How will performing these adhkār transform our lives?

Here are 10 Reasons :

1.Fulfill the command of Allah

Allah instructed the Prophets and the believers to remember Him in the morning and the evening in over 15 āyāt of the Qur’ān. He also instructed the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to keep the company of those who remember Allah during these two times.

2. Join the creation in glorifying Allah

Allah has made this an act of worship not just for humans, but for all of the creation, including the mountains and birds. (Q38:18-19) The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “The sun does not rise except that all of Allah’s creation glorifies Allah with His praises, except for the devils and the foolish humans.” (Ibn al-Sunnī)

3. Appreciate Allah’s Greatness at the best times

In these two times we observe the clear manifestation of Allah’s power as the night changes into the day and the day into the night. These times are therefore befitting for the believer to remember Allah, glorify Him and appreciate His greatness.

4. Reaffirm your Tawḥīd and servitude to Allah

Through these adhkār, you affirm the oneness (tawhīd), uniqueness and absolute perfection of Allah on a daily basis.
Along with acknowledging your weakness and need of Him, you renew your pledge of servitude (‘ubudiyyah) to Him by supplicating and praising Him. The adhkār will inspire you to love Allah, fear Him, have hope in Him, submit to Him and be grateful to Him.

5. Acquire blessings in your Day

By starting and ending your day with the remembrance of Allah, you will gain an immense amount of blessings (barakah) in your day.
Four acts bring sustenance:
(1) Standing for the night prayer, (2) An abundance of istighfār before dawn, (3) A commitment to giving charity and (4) Dhikr in the morning and evening. (Ibn al-Qayyim)

6. Earn Unparalleled Rewards

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ gave glad tidings of unparalleled reward to those who read the adhkār. The virtues of some of the adhkār include:

. All of your sins will be forgiven. (Bukhārī)

. If you die on that day or night, you will enter Paradise. (Bukhārī)

. You will be freed from Hell-fire. (Abū Dāwūd)

. You will be pleased on the Day of Judgement. (Tirmidhī)

. You will receive the intercession of the Prophet ﷺ, and he will hold your hand and enter you in to Paradise. (Ṭabarānī)

7. Enjoy well-being in this Life & the Next

You will enjoy well-being (‘āfiyah) in your family, health, wealth, religion and in the Hereafter.

8. Get Peace & Contentment

You will have peace and contentment in your life. (Q20:130)

Maintaining these adhkār is one of the best means of dealing with difficulties. When we glorify Allah, we have a direct link with Him, and one who maintains such a link is content and reassured. He is reassured because he knows that, with Allah’s help, he is safe and secure. Thus, contentment is the fruit of tasbīḥ and worship.

9. Journey to Allah in these two times

The morning and evening are two of the three times in which a servant journeys to his Lord. (Bukhārī)

It is hoped that one who preserves Fajr and ‘Asr and remembers Allah thereafter will be amongst the elite of Paradise, for whom the morning and the evening will be reserved to see Allah.

10. Protect Yourself from all Evil

You will be protected from all forms of evil and harm, including illnesses, anxiety, grief, depression, devils, evil eye and magic.

'The morning and evening adhkār play the role of a shield; the thicker it is, the more its owner is protected. Rather, its strength can reach to such an extent that the arrow shot at it will bounce back to affect the one who shot it.' (Ibn al-Qayyim raḥimahullāh)

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And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

السلام و علیکم ورحمتہ اللہْ

May Allah help us all. Remember me and the entire Muslim Ummah in your Duas.

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