Chapter 10- Safe for now

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*>Luvida's POV<*

The loud chime of my digital alarm clock startled me from my sleep. I shot up to my bed, my heart beating crazily and my body damp with sweat. I tried to level my breathing and eventually my body relaxed.

I guess I had a nightmare, though I don't remember anything about it. Within seconds, my mind drifted to what happened last night. I tried recalling what all happened.

After classes, Alex bullied me in an abandoned house. Then, some cops barged into my house. But wait, plot twist! There were vampires! Ugh...

A thought made its way to my mind and I quickly got up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom. There, I undressed myself. My heart sank when I saw the helpless girl gazing back at me in the mirror.

I could see her neck filled with bruises and marks. Her wrist was swollen. The lower part of her stomach had turned blue because of all the kicks that Alex gave. I swallowed the lump on my throat, my eyes threatening to cry. I looked so pale.

After a warm shower, I put on an oversized white T shirt with blue jean shorts. I combed my hair and let it loose as it was still wet. After making my bed and taking a sip of water, I made my way downstairs.

It was Saturday, so I was free. I decided to spend the day, exploring the mansion that I called home.

I made myself soem coffee put some bread on the toaster. While waiting for the bread to toast, I went to the living room and turned on the TV. Once the toast was done, I put some chocolate spread on it and took my breakfast to the couch infront of the TV.

Don't look at me like that! I love chocolate spread and toast....

I switched between channels and relaxed in the couch. Even though I was watching one if my most favorite TV shows, I couldn't focus at all. My mind roamed around last night's events. About my master. How he held me in his arms and told me that I'm safe. That's all I can think about.

After breakfast, I went to my bedroom and took my phone. I was going to explore my own house. To the right side of my bedroom door, thee went the long corridor to the darkness. That's where all the mysteries are. I remember going there once. But I didn't go too far. It was too dark and creepy. But now I'm ready.

I quietly started walking towards the corridor. I turned on the flashlight in my phone and pointed it to the utter darkness. I swallowed when I couldn't see the end of the corridor. Oh my God. What am I doing?

As I passed through, I noticed that there were no rooms or anything in there. It was just the empty wall stretching to nowhere. I let out a sigh and focused on being as quiet as possible, even though there will be no one in there.

But no, I'm not the only one. I'm pretty sure that there are more members in my house. The souls amd ghosts of the previous owners. I believe in them. I believe that they exist in there. And with each step I take, I can't shake off the feeling that I'm walking through their property.

Halfway through, I saw a door to my right. I pointed my flashlight at it. It looked all dusty and rusty (It rhymes, I know) .

With a deep sigh, I placed my hand on the door and carefully pushed it. I don't know why, but I was expecting some kind of jumpscare, like those in horror movies. The only sound that could be heard was the squeaking sound of the door opening. With another deep breath, I got in. The room was huge and empty. I looked around for some source of light other than from my phone, but there was nothing. No lighbulbs. No lanterns, no chandeliers, no windows, nothing. The floor was filled with dust.

After some minutes of inspecting, I found nothing but dust and more dust. I guess this room was never used. That's when a brilliant idea popped into my brain. I'll make this room a home library! Perfect! That way, I'll have a place to store all of my hundred books. All this room needs is a huge makeover. And it can be the best home library ever!

I rushed through the corridor and down the stairs. I need a broom, mop and other cleaning stuff, which I'm pretty sure is in the store room. I'll also need a few flashlights and lanterns to light up the room so I can see what I'm cleaning. Once the room is clean, I'll have to buy bookshelves, chandeliers and other library stuff. I guess that's my Saturady plan for now.


By the time I had finished cleaning, I was exhausted. After a quick shower, I put on my pink pajamas and went downstairs for a cup of hot chocolate. Just as I prepared my cup, I heard a knock on my door, which startled me.

My mind drifted to the last time I heard a knock and I quickly went to panic mode. I took a kitchen knife and made my way to the door. Taking a deep breath, I opened it. The moment I saw who it was, my mind relaxed though my heart raced. It was him. My master. "M..master?" He smiled when I called him that. And somehow, that made my heart melt.

The moment he got inside, I did what I wanted to do since this morning. I dropped the knife on the floor. Then I wrapped my hands around his waist and rested my head below his chest, hugging him.

My heart was beating heavily as I felt my cheeks tingle. For a second, neither of us moved. But the next second, he bent down a bit and I felt his breath on the tip of my ear.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I let go. I looked up to meet his eyes. My heart skipped a beat as his eyes softened. But they get dark again when they landed on the side of my neck, where Daren know.

The tension in the air was so thick that it could be sliced. "What did you do to them? " I asked him, trying to break the tension. But he just turned around and head to the guest room. So did I. He sat on the couch and I sat beside him.

"What did you do to them?" I repeated. He sighed but didn't say anything. That when a thought pooped up in my mind. "Did you... kill them?" I asked, my voice shaking.

He looked me dead in the eye, "Yeah". My heart stopped. Did I hear that right. "You did what?!" My voice boomed. "Shut up! It was a joke" This time, his voice boomed. He rubbed his temple, clearly irritated. "I didn't kill them. I sent them to my people to investigate." He grunted.

I nodded, mentally scolding myself for destroying his mood. God, why do I keep messing up everything?

"So, am I safe now?" I asked, trying my best to sound as soft as possible. His eyes softened again.

"For now, yes."


I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. I just didn't know what to write. I was completely confused. And I still don't know what to do. So I don't know when I'll be updating again.

(This chapter was just a filler as j had no idea what to write)

Let me know your thoughts and feedbacks in the comments. Make sure to press that star button over there alright? Love you all. Thanks!

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