Chapter 11- Roses and Thorns

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*>Luvida's POV<*

I roamed around the library as I searched for a book. No, this is not for my library. Today, i bought the bookshelves and Ill be filling in the books tomorrow.

So no. This specific book is for a customer.

Miss Rowena told me to search the library for "Roses and Thorns", as for some customer's request. I don't know who the customer was, neither do she, as it was a mysterious email sent to the library.

They didn't tell anything about themselves in it. Just the book's title and the date when this person would arrive to borrow it.
I don't even the genre of book is. I'm completely confused as I search the huge library.

As I drag my feet through the deserted corridors, I finally came across a large book.

"Roses and Thorns". Written in dark red on the leather cover.

Letting out a sigh, I took out the book. And boy was it heavy! It must have atleast ten thousand pages. I flipped through the pages and frowned when I noticed that the pages were...blank.

I flipped a few more pages. But nothing. It had nothing at all. But as I reached the last two pages. I saw what made my heart stop,

A drawing. Of...of me.


With a heavy heart, I dragged myself  towards my bedroom. I didn't tell Miss Rowena what I saw. And now, I mentally scold myself for not doing so. I should've told her. She might even known something about it. But what? What is she gonna know? Maybe my master would know.

I cringe at myself when I thought of him. Why the hell am I suddenly calling him master? It feels so weird. Maybe it's because he saved me from those 'vampires-cop' jerks. Yeah. Maybe that's why.

I sat in my bed, my eyes glued on my phone. I don't know how long I was staring at that drawing. Yes, I took a photo. I couldn't just ignore it. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to see this creepy customer.

The sun started to say goodbye. I knew he would arrive in any second. My master. Oh how I wish I knew his name.

I was wearing a grey oversized t shirt. I didn't wear any bottoms as the t shirt large enough to cover till my knees. I have no idea why but I love oversized t shirts.

I hummed as I looked at myself from the mirror on my dresser. You look gorgeous. I told myself, ignoring how my stomach twisted at the words. I didn't want to live the rest of my life in pain. I want to live. Not just exist.

"I don't think you should be wearing something that plain, beautiful." I winced at the unfamiliar voice. My head snapped towards the bedroom door to see the most beautiful man infront of me. Not a man... a boy.

He had light chocolate brown hair, ruffled next to the a pair of crimson red eyes. The same eyes of my master. I abruptly stood up from my seat as he took slow steps towards me. "Someone as beautiful as you should be wearing something more elegant"

I gasped when I noticed how close he was standing next to me. "A gown that makes you look like a princess." He whispered.  I noticed how he was the same height as me. He was a vampire. Ofcoarse. His fangs are giving it off. So is his looks and his unmatched beauty. God, I'm attracted to vampires.

"Say something, beautiful. I want to hear you," he took my hand and placed a soft kiss on its back, those alluring eyes gazing at mine.

"Who... who are you?" I stuttered, taken aback by his actions. He chuckled before letting go of my hand. "Oh silly me. I haven't introduced myself, have I? I'm Prince Raco. And you are?"

He's a prince? Oh God, there's a prince in my bedroom.

"I'm...Luvida" I introduced myself. "What are you doing in my house?" I blurted out, surprised at my sudden confidence.

"Oh. Didn't my brother tell you?" He asked. Brother?

Heyy! I'm back~ (don't ask me why I was gone. I was gaming)

So...why do you guys think about Raco? He's my fav character btw. He's realky important in the story plot, so i had to introduce him to our beloved Luvida.

And about Roses and Thorns, you'll know more about it in the next chapters.  Again, Idk when I'm going to update but stay tuned guys! Love you all!

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