ᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ

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"Can you perhaps drop me at the cafe? My car is broken." He replies with a disappointment in his eyes "Sorry Amira, I have some urgent business to attend to. I will inform Ishan to pick you up. Don't worry"

"Oh.. Okay." I reply. He wraps his hand on my waist and then strokes my face "I'm really sorry Amira. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright, Not a big deal." I reply smiling staring at his concerned eyes. I peck a kiss on his cheek assuring it's alright but it ended up as him kissing me harder.

He left earlier than usual and i was waiting for Ishan to pick me up. It was sunday and was my off duty. Being at home bored me the most all alone since Nahima and Shahid has work.

So I made the decision to go to the cafe that I often visited before getting married. Reading unread books sipping over my favorite drinks over there hits different.

Ishan reached after 30 minutes and greeted me as i hopped in his car. "Here's the location." I state sending him the location in his phone as he navigates it and drives off.

We chat for a bit and he pulls over at the side stating "I heard this cafe got renovated. Have fun."

"Sure Thankyou for the drive." I reply smiling as he smiles back and responds "Well go on, surprise is waiting for you."

I tilt my head as he chuckles and drives away without any word leaving me confused.

Walking over, I glance at the cafe infront of me, totally different from the outside. There was only one-floor, but now i can see it has two-floors and on the top floor it's open in the air with a lot of chairs and seats decorated.

Stepping in the cafe, i see full of flowers. Getting myself confused i glance at the board,

'Flowers, Cafe & Bakery with the bookstore. Have fun BookTok's.'

"Welcome Madam." A lady greets me, the same lady who was in the old store.

My eyes crouch as i see a familiar figure infront of me. "Assalamualaikum Amira. Surprise!" Shahid states winking at me and many people behind him greeting me.

"W-Walaikumusalam Amir..B-But how?? W-What's all this a-about?" I stutter unable to process what my mind is about to tell. But i want to hear it from him.

Lending his right hand forwards "Let me show my wife around." He says in his sweet voice as others chuckle nodding "Sure Sir. Have fun Madam."


Raising his eyebrow at me when i was stuck for a moment, i bring my hand forward accepting his offer.

The moment i accepted his hand, he grabs me over and i walk following him.

"Sir? Madam? What is this all about? Why are them calling you sir? Perhaps this was the surprise Ishan mentioned.." I mutter as he smiles "Yes Amira. That dumbo already spoiled it? Ughh"

I giggle at his response. "Was this your urgent work? Is this why you were busy?" He looks at me his lips curled "Yes Amira. Hope you liked it."

I nod mesmerizing the view infront of me.

He was busy preparing for this new shop? Can't believe this guyy!!! This guy will be the end of me for sure.

He shows me around to the flowers in the 1st floor. So wonderful!!

Making our way to upstairs is the cafe and bakery with a bookstore.

"Not yet chosen a book?" He questions. "Nah. I'm just confused cuz there is alot of books here damnn." I reply running my hands through the book shelf.

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