Chapter 10:A Midsummer Incident

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[In Varrot's office. A knock on the door.]

Welkin: Welkin Gunther reporting, Captain.

Keith:Keith, CO of JTF.

[He opens the door. Faldio is already in her office.]

Faldio: Hey, Welkin. Hey Keith

Welkin: You got called in too, Faldio?

Varrot: I apologize for calling the two of you in on an off-duty day. Princess Cordelia has graciously extended banquet invitations to the three of us.

Welkin: What? But why us?

Varrot: It seems you two will be recognized for your successes at Vasel and more recent ops. The event will be held tomorrow at the castle.

Welkin: Oh...I'm not really good with the formal stuff.

Faldio: What are you, crazy? Do you have any clue how rare a chance to meet the princess is? They say that House Randgriz, the Archdukes of Gallia, are descended from the Valkyrur. If that's true, Princess Cordelia herself is a Valkyria, and we get an audience with her!

Welkin: Well yeah, I guess...

Varrot: Just don't forget to wear dress uniforms, gentlemen. I'll meet you both at Castle Randgriz tomorrow evening. You're dismissed until then.

Welkin: much for my plans to go bird-watching tomorrow.


[At the castle.]

Varrot: I hope they don't mess this up.

Welkin: Sorry to keep you, Captain.

Varrot: Goodness, Welkin, I hardly recognized you

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Varrot: Goodness, Welkin, I hardly recognized you.

Welkin: Yes...Captain. Alicia helped me get ready this evening. She kept punching me when I told her she couldn't come with me. I'm still sore.

Varrot (laughs): Well, consider it combat experience.

Faldio: Wow, Welkin. No grass stains or anything!

Welkin: Very funny, Faldio. Nice hat, by the way.

Faldio: Yeah, I never did like the look of these ugly things. I've been boycotting them.

[A camera is heard.]

Ellet: Heyyy! Don't you all look nice?

Welkin: Good evening, Ms. Ellet. Here to cover the banquet tonight?

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