Author Note

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Alright everyone and I welcome you to this author note for this story. I will make another chapter, but I need to get this off my chest. This story has been going great and I have had fun making it with you all reading this story as a whole. If you have any questions or inconsistencies with the story leave a comment at the bottom of this Author Note and I promise that I will answer any and all questions that you have. In terms of some inconsistencies within the story I have to re-read it myself in order to get a handle on some of them. But in due time I might fix them in the future by having them be retconned for this story and making them not happen within the overall cannon of this fan story. Just remember that the stories that I make are just that, Fanfictions for you all to enjoy. It wouldn't be a story if there weren't some inconsistencies that the story had inside of it now would there?

Now in terms of what the fuck the last chapter was doing, Izuku was undergoing the full-on stress of what happened in the Vigilante Arc in the anime/manga. Izuku in this version of events just couldn't handle the amount of people relying on him as the Next Symbol of Peace causing him to essentially have a Mental Breakdown as well as a Panic Attack within the recess of his mind. Thankfully he had the Vestiges with him in that moment to stop that from happening, but in his world. He wasn't treated as kindly as he was in cannon events, his life was much harsher, and he has the scars to prove it. The Izuku of the original timeline of events, seemingly was just bullied until Bakugo told him to essentially kill himself. Which in no way is that feasibly even a good character quality in my opinion, I mean telling someone to just commit Seppuku in Japan is very frowned upon in our society. Imagine what that's like in a world of Superpowers? That couldn't be allowed to slide, even for someone as kind and compassionate as Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku Midoriya's character was something I always loved about Shonen Manga/Anime. I have always loved a character who was too good for his own good, always forgave those who were evil through and through. But never forgave them for their actions, but for their ideals. Izuku found out in the last few chapters of the MHA Manga that Shigaraki Tomura's ideal for becoming a Villain was to bring down the Society that All Might create. One where everyone just believed that a Hero would appear and stop any and all crime without any repercussions. Tomura Shigaraki was created because of that kind of society, so with Izuku living in a society that was built on those principles... he didn't come out of it so... lucky. 

He came out of it still compassionate and kind towards others, that's just his character as a whole. He wants to really help others, even if it comes at the cost of himself, because that is what a True Hero does. In this story's version of events, Izuku came out slightly jaded in terms of his opinions and strives to become similar to All Might because of the fact that he has no one left in his world to return back home to. His mother was dead, All Might was dead, twice over by the way, his friends died in the Jakku Hospital Arc, and now he enters a world where none of that happened yet. 

He watches as his friends and family are now threatened again by the very same people who had killed them in his world his future. He was going to do everything possible to prevent this from happening again which is why Tomura was caught so early on in the story. With him out of the picture, as well as All for One being dead in this timeline as well... Izuku fighting with the Villain Nine. Was something that was seen as an antagonist until the real threat of Dr. Ujiko Garaki came out of the woodworks and his hundreds of Nomu. That's right, a Nomu invasion within Japan and possibly the world is the final arc for this story which will take place after Nine is defeated.

Now in terms of this story please leave some comments about what you think of it so far and tell me your questions about something that happened that doesn't make sense. I promise that I will do everything I can to see if I can find whatever that question stemmed from, and answer to the best of my ability. I hope to see you all in the next chapter of the story as we watch Izuku attempt to calm his body down to rest for 4 days exactly. But Spoilers, he won't be capable of resting for 3 minutes.

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