🖇️ 001. When I wake up, I'm afraid

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louis park x evelyn waldorf

"Thank you for coming." Jason said. He was Sierra's brother, and his eyes held sadness after what happened, but Evelyn could tell he meant what he said.

"Of course, Jason." She said, "Listen, you take care, alright? Sierra wouldn't have wanted us to live moping around."

"It's just so hard to believe." He said, "She just graduated University, and she was so glad to finally return from New York, and start working forward."

"I know." Evelyn said, "Sierra didn't deserve this. But she's in a better place now."

"Yeah." He said, "Yeah, she is."

"She would want you to be happy, y'know?" Evelyn said, "She always said she adored you, even if you annoyed her most of the time."

He let out a tiny laugh, "You should go. I don't want you to be late."

"I'll call you when I land in New York, yeah?"

"Alright." He said, "Take care."

The loss of one of your closest friends is never easy, this was a truth Evelyn was learning. Sierra had been her roommate in college, and the two girls were inseparable, Sierra was Evelyn's first ever real friend. She was completely and utterly falling apart right now, but she had to hold herself together.

She walked to the check in counter, got her boarding pass and her luggage was sent to be stored in the plane. Evelyn bought herself a coffee, and walked to the waiting area, her purse slinging from her shoulder. She saw a man there, using his phone and asked, "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" She asked, pointing to the one beside him.

"No, it's free." He said, giving her a quick smile before going back to his work.

Evelyn sat down, and pulled out her phone, replying to messages, and telling the family group chat that she was about to board the flight and wouldn't pick up calls or reply to messages for a while.

"All passengers for Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport, your attention, please." A voice went throughout the airport and Evelyn looked up from her phone, "The flight is oversold. We are offering travel vouchers in the amount of $400 for anyone willing to take a later flight."

Evelyn mentally groaned. But then she remembered her resolution for this year was to save more money - as much as possible to start that café of hers, and she got up, deciding to take on the offer for a later flight.


Evelyn could never sleep in airplanes - they were totally uncomfortable. Even if she had one of those neck pillows, or a whole recliner chair, she was sure she'd still never be able to sleep.

So, here she was on a later flight to New York, reading Eleanor and Park once more for about the millionth time and she couldn't wait to land in New York, and just get lost in her blanket, have a good night's sleep, but this flight was taking unbelievably long.

All of a sudden, the plane violently shook, and the sudden turbulence had Evelyn frightened to her death, as she believed that any minute, the plane might crash. Her eyes wandered off to the seatbelt and she made sure it was fastened properly, and she recalled the instructions that were told to them before the flight started. There was a flight attendant, trying to calm everyone down, and stay calm himself. The plane was full of shrieks and screams of people. People's bags and other belongings fell to the floor of the plane, and she saw someone's laptop fall, making her feel bad for whoever it was. The lights went out, scaring people even further, and before they knew it, the lights were back and plane stopped shaking.

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