🖇️ 002. Birds of a Feather, we should Stick Together

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louis park x evelyn waldorf

After the plane blew up the previous night, Evelyn and the other passengers who saw it happen were interviewed once more, about what happened and how, and now they were detained. Which didn't seem right to Evelyn, because these people didn't have the right to keep them here for no reason, but this was the government and Evelyn wasn't really in the place to do anything.

Michaela, once done with her interview, came to sit between Ben and Evelyn.

"What did you say to them?" Ben asked.

"That I don't know anything."

"Good, you don't." Ben said, "We want to stay far off their radar."

"What about you?" Michaela asked Evelyn.

"I told them I had no idea what was going on." She answered, "They somehow knew I was with you. At the time we found the Pyler sisters. They asked me if you and I were aware that it's illegal for a cop to bring a civilian into an investigation."

"What'd you say?" Ben asked.

"Told them that Michaela wasn't on duty." She said, "She hasn't gone back to work yet. I said that I pass by that house on my way to work, and heard voices yelling for help one day and knowing that Michaela was a cop before the plane returned, I decided to contact her."

"That's good." He said, "We need to keep a low profile."

"But, aren't you seeing things, hearing things, in your head?" A voice said from behind them, and Evelyn turned to see Captain Daly, and the three looked at each other, Ben slightly shook his head, "They think it's my fault. They always blame the Pilot."

A woman suddenly walked next to Ben, "Hi, I'm Saanvi Bahl." She extended her hand, "This is Louis. Louis Park. You're Cal's family, right?"

Ben stood up, and shook her hand, "Ben Stone. My sister Michaela, and a friend, Evelyn. How do you know Cal?" Evelyn stood up, shaking hands with Saanvi and Louis, smiling at the two.

"I'm a doctor." She explained, "I do cancer research. Cal's new treatment came from the work I was doing before the plane disappeared."

"You were on the flight?" Ben asked.

"I know." She said, "It's some coincidence."

"If any of this can be a coincidence." Louis said.

"Number 18." Powell said, coming into the room.

"Michaela, use your cop magic." Evelyn said, "Get me out of here."

Michaela laughed, "Cop magic, alright." She stood, "Sir, what exactly is our status here? Are we under arrest?"

"No, you're merely detained." He told her.

She sarcastically nodded, "Actually we're not. I'm NYPD, I know how this works. We've told you everything we know, so if we're not under arrest, you need to let us go."

The man gave Michaela a small glare before leaving the room, "And radar signal established." Ben said, Evelyn let out a small laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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