Chapter 39

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Taehyung was kissing jungkook hungrily while his hands were busy caressing jungkook's body under his shirt, after sometime he broke the kiss and looked at jungkook lovingly “you're driving me crazy doll”

Jungkook blushed, wrapping his hands around taehyung's neck and pulled him for another kiss, after tasting every inch of jungkook's mouth taehyung start kissing his jaw and neck making some fresh hickeys

“ahh hubby i-i wa-want you”

Taehyung smirked listening to jungkook and in no time both of their clothes were lying on the floor, taehyung flipped jungkook on his stomach and applied the lube on his fingers, he slowly pushed two fingers inside his hole who let out a little gasp

Taehyung start moving his fingers in and out while placing kisses on jungkook's back who was letting out soft moans, after preparing jungkook he whispered in his ear “are you ready wifey”

Jungkook nodded his head desperately

“words wifey”

“y-yes hubby i'm ready”

Taehyung smirked and gave a lick on his earlobe “ready for what wifey”

Jungkook turned his face towards taehyung and said looking into his eyes “ready for your dick hubby”

Taehyung's smirk widened and he grabbed jungkook's jaw kissing him aggressively, he placed his cock on jungkook's entrance who broke the kiss and said with his big doe innocent eyes “h-hubby i want to see your face while doing it”

Taehyung smiled and turned him around on his back and kissed his forehead “how can you look this much innocent while doing unholy things”

Jungkook blushed and pecked his lips “i love you”

“i love you more my pretty bun.. you're my everything my whole world, i can't imagine a life without”

Before jungkook say something a little scream left from his mouth when taehyung suddenly pushed his tip inside him

Taehyung placed his finger on jungkook's lips and whisper “shh doll taeguk will wake up”

Jungkook nodded and taehyung wrapped jungkook's hands around his back and start kissing him while pushed the whole length slowly inside his clenching hole

“i fucked you countless times but you're still so tight” he whispered near jungkook's lips who tried to speak but nothing was coming out from his mouth, he smirked and gave a hard thrust gaining a loud moan from jungkook

“control your moans doll or taeguk will wake up” he said with a smirk giving jungkook again a hard thrust

Jungkook nodded but he again gave him a hard thrust

“ahh hu-hubby nghh y-you're doing it o-on purpose”

Taehyung shook his head and said innocently “no wifey”

“y-you're nghh ahh s-so bad ah”

Taehyung chuckled and start kissing him passionately while thrusting inside him slowly yet deeply

“you like it princess” he said between the kiss

“mhmm ah y-yes hu-hubby mhm ngh.. i ahh i-i'm nghh cu-cumming hubby”

“come for hubby doll” taehyung said and jungkook cummed on their stomachs while panting heavily, taehyung waited for sometime so he could catch his breath and again start thrusting inside him fastly

“ahh sl-slow down h-hubby”

“bear a little more doll i'm also coming” he said moving more fastly and cummed inside jungkook filling his tummy with his seeds

He lay down beside jungkook and pulled him on his chest “are you ok koo”

Jungkook nodded and start snuggling on his chest

Taehyung smiled and kissed his head “lets clean bun”

Jungkook shook his head “stay like this”

Taehyung chuckled “do you want taeguk to see us like this”

Jungkook quickly shook his head, how can he forgot that their little bean was also sleeping beside his shameless parents “no!.. lets clean up quickly”

Days were passing and nowadays jungkook's condition wasn't good, he always feel nauseous and whenever he ate something he ended up throwing it, even sometimes he got angry on both taehyung and taeguk for little reasons

Right now he was sitting on taehyung's lap playing with his shirt's buttons and complaining him about taeguk “you know your son is very naughty, day by day he's becoming a brat and never listens to me”

“it's ok doll he's a kid”

“but he should listen me I'm his mother i carried him for nine months and gave birth to him with so much pain” he said dramatically and taehyung just chuckled at his cute wifey

“ok bun I'll scold him and tell him to listen you”

Jungkook looked at him with a glare “how could you scold my precious son”

Taehyung sighed “i won't scold your precious son”

“my son? isn't he yours son too”

Taehyung cried internally not knowing why jungkook was behaving like that, but before he could say anything jungkook quickly got up from his lap and run to washroom, he also went behind him and start caressing his back softly “are you ok love”

Jungkook nodded and washed his face “i'm ok hubby” he said and looked at taehyung shyly and whispered but enough for taehyung to hear “can you bring me a pregnancy test kit”

A big smile appeared on taehyung's lips “are you pregnant koo”

“i'm not sure”

Taehyung quickly went and came back with the speed of air and handed him the test kit “here koo”

Jungkook took it from his hand and went to washroom

“should i also come in princess” taehyung said outside of the washroom

“no need just wait outside”

After sometime he came out and looked at taehyung with a pout

Taehyung's smile dropped “why are you pouting bun, is it negative”

Jungkook didn't say anything and handed him the test kit who quickly checked the result and looked at him with loving eyes

“we are again going to become parents”

Jungkook smiled and nodded his head

Taehyung quickly carried him in his arms and start kissing him softly “i'm so happy kookie”

Jungkook smiled “me too hubby i'm so happy”

“why you both are so happy” taeguk said looking at his parents innocently

Taehyung placed jungkook on the bed and carried taeguk in his arms and sat beside jungkook with taeguk on his lap “you're going to be a big brother”

Taeguk smiled “then where's my little sibling”

Taehyung placed taeguk's hand on jungkook's tummy “here”

Taeguk hugged jungkook's tummy and placed a kiss there “come quickly so we'll play together”

Jungkook smiled and hugged him, taeguk looked at his mother “eomma i love you”

Jungkook kissed his forehead “eomma love you more baby”

“no one loves appa” taehyung said dramatically and both jungkook and taeguk hugged him

“we love you hubby/appa”


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