Chapter 10

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So the day came and today was taekook's wedding

“i can't believe that today is your wedding” mingyu said dramatically but got a smack from jimin

“you're repeating this line again and again”

Mingyu pouted but suddenly his expressions turned into serious one “jokes aside but how can your parents marry you off at the age of nineteen”

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just looked down while tears start forming in his eyes, mingyu noticed it but before he could say anything mr and mrs jeon came

“kookie are you ready”

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears and looked at mrs jeon “yes mama”

“then let's go your husband is waiting for you” mr jeon said and left from there

On other hand taehyung was standing on the stage with no expression “when this so called function will get over”

“did you say anything” yoongi asked who was standing beside him

“nothing hyung” taehyung said and looked in front but his world stopped and heart start beating fastly looking at the beauty coming toward him but he came out from his thoughts after hearing mr jeon's voice  “take care of him” he said without showing any emotion and gave jungkook's hand to taehyung

After sometime the priest came and start the wedding vows

“Do you kim taehyung take jeon jungkook as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death”

“yes I do”

“Do you jeon jungkook take kim taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death”

“yes I do”

“please exchange the rings now"

After they exchanged the rings priest said “i pronounce both of you as husband and wife you may kiss now”

Taehyung slowly wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist and pulled him toward his self, he attached their lips into a kiss and lost his self into jungkook's soft cherry lips, after sometime he broke the kiss and quickly backed away and start looking here and there while jungkook was looking like a red tomato because it was the first time someone kissed him

After that taehyung went to his friends while jungkook was sitting alone

Mrs jeon came and sat beside jungkook “kookie”

Jungkook gave her his bunny smile “yes mama”

She held jungkook's hands “baby i know you don't like taehyung but now he's your husband so you have to respect him, take care of him and his all needs” she said and kissed jungkook's forehead “be a good wife for your husband” saying that she left from there

“i will mama but will he be a good husband for me” jungkook looked at taehyung who didn't even care to leave his bride sitting alone, few drops of tears left from his eyes but he quickly wiped them

After sometime the guests left and they also left for their home, now jungkook was sitting on the bed waiting for taehyung to come

Taehyung entered inside the room and looked at jungkook, he without saying anything went toward couch and slept on it

Jungkook looked at taehyung “w-why are you sleeping on couch”

“because I don't wanna sleep with you”

“then you should sleep on bed i'll sleep on couch”

“stop your drama and sleep”


“i said sleep!” taehyung shouted and jungkook flinched, tears start rolling down from his eyes but taehyung ignored them and turned his face on other side

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