Chapter 38

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Time was passing and now taeguk was 5 years old and jungkook already completed his graduation, yoonmin also got married after jimin's graduation

Right now taeguk was playing in the living room with his grandpa, he was running but mistakingly his hand touched the vase which fell down and broke into pieces, listening the sound of breaking jin came there and glared at namjoon as he was going to beat his ass

Namjoon gulped and pointed at taeguk "jinie he broke the vase"

Taeguk run toward jin "grandma grandpa is lying he's the one who broke the vase"

Jin smiled at him and ruffled his hairs "i know baby this old man is a god of destruction" he said glaring at namjoon

Taeguk giggled and run toward jungkook who was coming out from the kitchen, jungkook quickly carried him in his arms and pinch his cheek "again you're putting your blame on grandpa"

Taeguk giggled "i'm not putting blame.. grandpa is god of destruction"

Both jungkook and jin chuckled, jungkook again pinched his cheek "you're becoming a brat day by day"

Taeguk giggled and hugged jungkook by his neck, jungkook smiled and kissed his head

At night taehyung came back from office and saw jungkook trying to feed taeguk who was giving him hard time, he smiled and sat beside them, jungkook looked at him with a pout "hubby your son is becoming brat day by day"

Taehyung chuckled and carried taeguk on his lap "bun why are you giving your eomma hard time"

Taeguk looked at him with a pout "i told eomma i don't like this" he said pointing at the food "but eomma is forcing me to eat"

"then what my son wants to eat"

Taeguk though for a second and said "pizza"

"appa will order pi-"

Jungkook gave taehyung a glare and he quickly changed his statement "son eat what eomma is feeding you.. eomma knows what is good for your health"

Taeguk gave him his puppy eyes but he also gave him a look i can't do anything I'm scared of your eomma

Jungkook smiled and pulled taeguk on his lap "if you'll finish your food then I'll let you have pizza too" he said placing the spoon in front of his mouth who started eating

After finishing the whole plate he looked at jungkook with a pout "eomma now my tummy is full how I'll eat pizza"

"it's ok we can eat it tomorrow" jungkook said and taeguk nodded his head

"my wifey is very clever" taehyung whispered in jungkook's ear who playfully hit his chest "go and freshen up you're stinking"

Taehyung chuckled and hugged him tightly from the side "then i should let you smell me more"

"you dirty man leave me"

Taehyung shook his head and jungkook just smiled "aish hubby leave me i have to reheat the food for you"

"but my food is already in my arms"

Jungkook blushed "you pervert leave me taeguk is watching"

"so what.. he's a kid he doesn't understand anything"

Jungkook blushed and didn't say anything but the moment got ruined by taeguk who was sitting on jungkook's lap "eomma i'm sleepy"

Jungkook backed away from taehyung and kissed taeguk's forehead "let eomma make his baby sleep" he said and laid taeguk on the bed and start caressing his head lovingly

"i won't leave you tonight" taehyung whispered in jungkook's ear and went to washroom

After dinner now both taekook were lying with taeguk between them, taehyung looked at jungkook with desire in his eyes "koo"

Jungkook looked at him innocently knowing very well what his husband wants "yes hubby"

Taehyung put his hand around his waist "you know very well what i want"

Jungkook blushed "taeguk will wake up"

"he won't if you control your moans"

Jungkook blushed and node, in no time taehyung placed taeguk on other side of the bed and hovered over jungkook and start kissing him passionately

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