4. My fault

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Now I'm giving excuses to them and myself too,

Try to make them believe that I tried my hardest,

And they might believe me, but I won't.

Because I know the truth,That it's all my fault.

It's my fault That I lose, it's my fault that I failed.

It's all my fault as I didn't give it my best.

And if I wanted I could have done a lot, but I didn't.

Now that the time has passed, I'm filled with regret.

Wondering all I could have got, if I tried a little harder.

Now I'm trying to conceal regret and distress.

I'm pretending that I tried a lot, when I really haven't .

But no amount of facade,
No amount of lies,
No amount of deception,
Can make a lie true.

I don't tried hard enough,
My efforts were lacking,
So I lost.

And with no one to blame,
But me and only me,
I'm the cause of my downfall.

when you were down low , who was there for you? Let's appreciate them.

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