Chapter 10

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HEY, THEY STARTED BEFORE THE EXAMINER SAID GO. " Person yelled as the other participant started to complain, too

Well, I guess less participant, " another participant said

WHAT ARE YOU GUYS STANDING FOR? " Prsent Mic said, confusing the participant

WHEN YOU ARE A HERO YOU DON'T WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO TELL YOU GO WHEN SAVING SOMEONE? " Mic yelled, and then everyone panicked. Soon, they all went inside

Inside the teacher lounge

We got some good batch this year, I must say, " Vlad said, looking at the participant

We got some with strength. Midnight said as she looked at the bakugo twins, todoroki twins

we have those who use their intelligence in tight situations. Snipe said, looking at momo , jirou, denki, working together.

And we have people who use all of those while helping someone. Aizawa said, "Look at izuku helping Shinso gain point."

Aizawa is speaking, causing everyone to be shocked as he doesn't say much during the exam

Wow, shota, this is the first time we seen you speak this much at an exam. Midnight said, trying to tease Aizawa

Hmm, well, I think I already know which people I will take in. Aizawa said I'm still looking at Shinso and Izuku

Nezu, who is in the top three. All might said, hoping Izumi would be in first place

Let's see. Nezu said as he checked

So, right now, we have Izuku in first. Shinoso in second and Izumi in third. Nezu said, shocking All might and Green Empress

What are their quirks? Vlad asked

Shinso Quirk is called brainwash it allows him to take control of a person who answers his questions. Nezu said

His quirk is useful considering that he could get Intel from anybody, but he seems like he lacks physical strength, so I will take him in. Aizawa said

And what about the other one. Snipe asked, causing All might and Green Empress to look down

The other participant name is Izuku he was once quirkless before recently obtaining his quirk. Nezu said, shocked everyone except those who knew

He had recently got his quirk? At what age. Midnight said in curiosity

He obtained his quirk on his last day in middle school, which was 10 months ago. Nezu said, shocking everyone in the room

His quirk is called Flame of Purgatory. It allows him to release a huge blast of flame from any part of his body. Nezu said

Flame of Purgatory? Now I'm interested. Endeavor said

In the Exam

Hey Shinso, how are ya doing over there izuku asked, destroying another robot

I'm doing fine over here. he said as he destroyed a robot using his kicks

They both stop

I think we made enough points to get to the hero course. Izuku said while smiling

You know I can't thank you enough for helping me out with this. Shinso said

No problem, that what friends are for. Izuku said, causing Shinso to smile

Then the ground starts to rumble

What the heck is going on? Shinso said

I have no idea. izuku said, trying to figure out the cost

The teacher lounge

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Nezu laughed as he pressed the button

All the teachers were scared

Back to our main character

Izuku then saw a giant robot that had the number 0 point

It is the 0 pointer izuku said shocking Shinso

So you mean to tell me is that THIS GIGANTIC THING IS THE 0 POINTER. Shinso yelled

Then they see all the participant run away from the area

RUN AWAY. The participant said

AHHHH, I DON'T WANT TO DIE. Another one said

I think it best if we get outta here. Izuku stated as Shinso nodded

Izumi POV

This is the 0 pointer that my dad talked about. Izumi, though, as she runs away from the area

HEY IZUMI, ARE YOU OKAY!? Mina said as she spotted her

Yea, I'm fine, but where is everybody else? Izumi asked

They had already left the area and are waiting for you cmon Mina said as she dragged her

WAIT, WHAT IF SOMEONE IS IN THERE WE CAN'T LEAVE THEM BEHIND. Izumi yelled as she tried to take her hand off

Look, I saw everyone left the area. we are fine. Mina said, reassuring her

*Sigh* Fine, let's just go. Izumi said as she followed Mina

Izuku POV

As we were running, shinso got hit with a Boulder

AHHHHHHHHHHHH Shinso yelled he got slammed by the Boulder

SHINSO!!! Izuku yelled as he went back to him

Izuku lifted up the Boulder and saw his leg was bloodied

My leg is okay for the most part, but I can't move. shinso said in pain

The robot started to get close to them

Just leave me. shinso said

I can't leave you here, man izuku said, trying to help him

You know I'm glad I met someone like you who believes in me. shinso said as he looked at izuku

I'm happy to finally have a friend shinso said while smiling

Teacher lounge


I CAN'T THE BUTTON IS NOT WORKING. nezu said as he panicked

I  WILL GO RIGHT NOW. All Might stated as he got ready

Wait. Aizawa said


Look. Aizawa said as everyone started to look, and they were shocked

They see izuku pissed the fuck off

Izuku POV

Am I really gonna let someone die .izuku said as he couldn't bear to leave his friend

Then something happen he was then pulled into his mindscape

In that mindscape izuku could only feel rage and anger

WHERE AM I. Izuku shouted ad he look around

He then see a goat not just any goat he had the presence that could kill him in a instant

The goat then looked at him and said

Your Awakening. the figure said as Izuku was pulled out of the minscape

Izuku then shocked everyone by expanding his limbs and grabbing shinso and pulling him away before the robot stomped on him

Izuku. Shinso said while shocked

Izuku then jumped  toward the 0 pointed and landed a solid punch to the robot, causing it to be destoryed

My Awakening? Izuku said as his eye was red


Next time on Satan ReBirth
The Aftermath

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