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(In the Canon Mha)

Hey mei, what are you working on. The Powerloader asked. Something that allows us to see alternatives version of ourselves. Mei said. Huh, why are you doing that? He asked. It is because if this does work, then an alternative universe does exist. Mei said about to finish up. Aaaand Done, this baby should be able to work now to see the candidate for this. She said.

In Class 1A classroom.

Alright, class today, we will. The door opens and shows Mei holding her  "baby." Sorry, Mr. Aizawa, but this is important. Mei said. What is it now Mei? Aizawa said while sighing. Well, I made something that could show our alternative self through this machine, I wanted to test it out. Mei said. As long as you keep this class busy, then I don't care. Aizawa said, going back into his sleeping bag.

Wow, a machine that shows alternative versions of our self sounds cool. Denki said. Everything sounds cool to you, dork. Jirou said. Well, the. How does it work? Momo asked. It's simple I made it to where if the laser hit you, then in the next hour, your alternative counterpart will appear. Mei explained.

It sounds cool, but who gonna do it? Ochaco said. I already chose the person, and that is him. Mei said while pointing at izuku. W-what! Why me? Izuku said. I have been curious about how your counterpart will act because you are a Cinnabon. Mei said. Anyway, let's do this. Mei said, shooting a laser at him. There was a bright light before it died down.

So what happens now. Kirishima said. Now we wait. She said as the machine exploded. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. Katsuki said. Katcchan relax. Izuku said. SHUT UP DEKU. Katsuki said. Welp, there goes another one of my babies. Mei said. How long until the deku-kun alternative self comes to our world. Ochaco said. In an hour. Mei said as she left. Hey, Sensei, can we check out midoriya alternative self. She asked. Aizawa woke up and said I don't care. Well then, let's wait then. Shoji said. An alternative countpart, huh? Nezu said, coming through the door. Well then, let me get the teacher just in case because we don't know anything about the person we are about to meet. Nezu said as he started contacting the teachers.

(1 hour later)

Everyone is outside waiting for something to happen, and then a portal comes out of nowhere. Everyone was on guard before they saw a person who looked like izuku. Whoa kamibro, are you seeing this. Kirishima said. Yeah, it is midoriya coming out of the portal. Where the hell am I. The figure said. Well, you are at UA. Nezu said. What do you mean by that I was at my house and next thing you know I'm in UA? The figure asked. Well, let me classify this you are in a different world than you are familiar with. Nezu said.

So basically, I'm in an alternative universe, huh? The figure asked. Yes, indeed, now please tell us what your name. Nezu asked. Well, then my name is Izuku. He said, shocking everyone. Deku-kun? Ochaco said, causing the other izuku to get mad. Please don't call me that it gives me very bad memories. The other izuku said. Just call me IZ for short, okay? He asked. Alright then, Young IZ, so what were you doing before you got here. All might ask. I was taking care of my daughter. He said, shocking everybody. DAUGHTER. Everyone said. WHICH BAE DID YOU KNOCK UP. Mineta said, grabbing his collar. IZ then chopped his neck, causing him to be unconscious. Don't worry, he is unconscious. No damage has been done. He said, causing everyone but the girl to sigh.

So what is your daughter name? Mina asked, trying to get an answer out of him. Her name is Eri. He said, shocking everyone. ERI. everyone said. What? IZ said. Do you have an eri in your world? He asked. Yes, we do. Aizawa said as he brought their eri out. Whoa, there are two Mr.deku now. Eri said in awe. IZ then walked to eri and said, "You know I adopted you in my world. So does that mean you are my dad in your world, Mr. Deku 2. For some reason, he was fine when Eri said deku. Yes, basically, if you want to put it like that. IZ said. Wanna see a trick? IZ asked eri. Yes, please. Eri said

IZ then showed a fire unicorn that danced around eri. Everyone noticed this while Izuku was taking notes. So your quirk is a fire based, huh? Nezu said. Not just that. Izuku said as he expanded his limbs and started making things. Do you have 2 quirks? Izuku asked while still writing. Yep, and I might have more if I reach my full potential. IZ said.

What is your world like? Toru asked
The same as yours, if I'm being honest. IZ said. Just then, DEKU FIGHT ME. Katsuki said. Sigh* All right, let's make this quick. Katsuki then charged with an explosion, but IZ dodges and chops his neck, leaving him unconscious. Those shocked everyone of how quick IZ knocked him out. You see, quirks are useful, but  I learned to increase my physical strength. He said as he glowed bright. Welp it time for me to go. He said, looking at everybody. Sorry if I didn't answer your question quickly enough. He said

It's alright, young IZ we know how important it is to get back in your world. All might said. IZ smiling while thinking, why couldn't my dad be like that. IZ then looked at izuku and smiled, leaving one last message.

Hey, izuku. IZ said, gaining his attention. Huh? Izuku said. Don't ever forget that you have people beside you when you need help alright. He said. Alright, IZ, I will remember that. Izuku said. I wished my friends did the same things as yours did. IZ whisper. Welp, then till then, see ya and tell Katcchan to get his act together if he wants to be the number one hero. He said as he dissappear.

He looked sad when he left. Izuku thought as everyone headed inside. Young midoriya is something on your mind. All might said. No, it is nothing. Izuku said as they went back inside the school.

Info about Satan ReBirth Izuku is that when he meets a different AU, his personality changes because he knows that they are not from his world, so he doesn't hold a grude against them. The reason why he said Katcchan in that universe is that he saw Canon Katsuki as a great hero. The only thing that stops him is his attitude. Satan ReBirth Izuku is still Izuku. Keep that in mind

And no, this story is still on break. I just wanted to show you how he would act if he was transported to another universe.

Anyways enjoy

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