Chapter 12

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After weeks of waiting, it was finally here.

Izuku, come here." Nighteye said while holding a letter. What is it, uncle? He said while coming down with Eri. There is a letter for UA for you from UA." Nighteye said. Izuku, alright, I'm coming. izuku spoke as he went downstairs.

Nighteye hand izuku the letter

Alright, let's see what the result is, " Izuku said as he opened the letter. A hologram of Aizawa came up. Hello there, Izuku. I will not be wasting your time, so I will say this you had the highest points in this exam, landing you in the first place, so I welcome you to UA. Aizawa said. Your class will be 1A. I hope to see you there, kid. Aizawa spoke as the hologram stopped

I did it, huh? Izuku thought, but he didn't feel anything. Even though I made it, why can't I feel anything about it. He thought. Welp congrats kid you made it. Nighteye said while smiling. thanks, it means a lot. izuku said. What are you talking about, Papa? Eri asked. I made it into the school I dreamed of, Eri. izuku said, explaining it to Eri.

So does that mean I spend less time with you? Eri asked, looking down. No no Eri it not like that at all. i will still spend time with you even if I'm at school. Izuku said, cheering up, eri.

Well then, UA starts in 3 weeks, so what are you gonna do? Nighteye asked. Well, that's easy I learned that I could do more than shoot out fire, so I will work on reaching the full potential of my quirk. izuku said. Alright then, during these three weeks, I will work with you in controlling your quirk. Nighteye said.

Alright, then, let's do this. izuku said, putting his hands up

(Timeskip to 3 weeks later)

Today is the day I take a step toward my dream. Izuku thought as he stood toward UA. Izuku walked into the building, looking for his classroom. Man, how big is this school. Izuku wondered as he walked for 30 minutes, trying to find his classroom. He then found a big door that said 1A. This is the classroom? Izuku question. This looks like a place for Bigfoot. Izuku said as he heard voices inside the room. Fucking hell. Izuku said

BAGUKO TAKE YOUR FEET OFF OF THIS DESK. ??? said. Shut up, you robo-cop. The other person said. I'm pretty sure Uncle did this on purpose for entertainment. Izuku thought as he was head inside. Everyone looked at the door, and they were shocked as izuku walked inside. Get up, Sensei. I don't want to be dealing with this too early. Izuku sighed as now he wanted to go home. Then a figure rushed at his with an explosion.

DEKU. Katsuki said, but before he could land an attack on him, his explosion stopped. WHAT THE HELL. Katsuki yelled in confusion. The day just started, and you already want to get expelled. We then see a yellow sleeping bag stand up and unzipped. Alright, you waste of space. My name is Shota Aizawa, and I will be your teacher this year. He spoke. Now then get dressed we are going to have a quirk test. Aizawa spoke. But what about orientation? Ochaco said, but before aizawa said anything else, Izuku spoke up.

Shut up. I'm already as annoyed as being in the same class with you people, so let me keep this short and simple he is the teacher, so what he say goes. Izuku said as he heads to the changing room. Well you heard the kid get moving. Aizawa said as he jumped out of the window.

Aizawa gets outside, and he sees izuku already dressed. Hmm, you are early. Aizawa said. Well, if there was a villain attack, then we would have to be ready for anything. Izuku replied. Heh, I knew there was something special about you. Aizawa grin.

Then everyone else appears talking to each other. You people are pathetic if there was a villain attack, then people's lives would be in danger. we are gonna work on that. Aizawa stated. Anyway, the first thing we are doing is testing your limit with your quirk, so I want the first place of the exam to go first. Aizawa said as katsuki was coming up. Not you. Aizawa said, causing katsuki to be angry. THEN WHO DID. Katsuki yelled. The kid you tried to attack earlier. Aizawa spoke

DEKU. Katsuki yelled, looking at izuku. What can't handle a deku like me being in first place? Izuku said, mocking him. Just before Katsuki attacked him, his sister put her hands on him. Brother, just stop. Lila said. Katsuki then calmed down while glaring at izuku

Here, throw this ball. Aizawa said as he threw the ball to izuku. Izuku then stepped up and wanted to show him what he been working on. Izuku threw the ball up. What is he doing? Sato asked as he was confused by izuku action. I don't know *kero* tsuyu answer. What is he up to? Shino asked. THAT LOSER ISN'T GONNA MAKE IT PASSED 10. Katsuki laugh. No something is about to happen. Shoto said. What are you up to brother? Izumi thought.

Just then izuku expand his arms and covered it in fire. Try this. Izuku said as he punch the ball into the sky causing the wind to blow. Hmm this is what I want to see. Aizawa said as he shown the number 2500. This shocked everyone as izuku pulled his arms back. Welp that was something. Denki said. We all get to use our Quirks this is gonna be fun. Mina said. Fun you say well then whoever score the least is expelled. Aizawa said with a grin.

What that not fair. Ochaco said. Fair you say? Izuku said as he was getting angry. Everyone looked at him. Bullshit there is no such things as "fair" I already experienced how unfair this world is. Izuku said. When becoming a hero you must fight through those unfairness to save and protect people. Izuku spoke. As much as I hate you I will tell you this. Izuku eyes turned red causing everyone to look in shocked. If you want to be a damn hero then get your act up.

Aizawa smirked. You heard the kid now I expect you all to go out. Aizawa said as he start the test. We then see the student doing all kinds of tests that aizawa put them up to till the get to the result.

Welp I'm first. Izuku thought as he looked at the screen. NOOOO I DON'T WANT TO BE EXPELLED. Mineta cried. Aizawa then smiled and said that was a joke causing everyone to be shocked. Well I knew it was. Momo said while everyone looked at her. You knew!! Everyone except a few people. Yeah maybe I should have told you. Momo said looking nervous. He should have expelled you. izuku said as everyone looked at him.

I mean it none of you have what it take to become hero so save us some trouble and leave UA. izuku said causing a few to glare at him. That mean izuku. Denki said but izuku shut him up with a glare. And you think I give a fuck no I'm here to become a hero and I know the consequences of becoming one. Izuku stated. And with the things you pulled on me what I see is not villain but monster. izuku said as some have there head down.

Alright enough drama get back into class. Aiwaza said. Yes sensei. Everyone said as they head inside.

(Back to the classroom)

Alright do whatever you want I'm gonna go to sleep. Aizawa stated as he went back to his sleeping bag but before he could Izuku asked can he go home since he wanted to wait for the important lesson. I said do whatever you want it not my problem. Aizawa said to izuku as he fall asleep. Hey how about we all introduce each other. Denki said.

We already know each other idiot. Jirou said. I wished I didn't meet any of you. izuku said about to leave.

YAGI IT STILL SCHOOL YOU CAN'T LEAVE YE- before Iida said anything else the bell rang causing him to shut up. Welp I don't want to waste anymore time then I have with you people so so you never. Izuku said but before he did Momo grab him. Please Izuku just talk to us. She said while trying not to cry. Izuku then looked at her dead in the eyes and said No before he left causing Momo to break down in tears while the girl are trying to cheer

Aizawa records this and said this should get me a raise.

Izuku then went home not wanting to have anymore headache then he already have.

I got a headache while making this but I should feel better tomorrow
Anyway enjoy

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