#2 First day of new School

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[ Lisa went to Blackpink's house ]
( Jisoo, Jennie and Rosé were sitting in living room. Suddenly the door bell ring )
Rosé :- I'll open the door unnie.
( Rosé opened the door and saw Lisa )
Rosé :- Ohh, Lisa you're home. Come inside. You know how much we worried about you.
Lisa :- Rosie! We'll talk tomorrow. Okay!
Jennie :- Lisa! But--
( Before Jennie could say anything Lisa went upstairs to her room )
Jisoo :- Ahh! This girl is just crazy! I'm going mad because of her.
Jennie :- Don't worry let's just go and sleep.
Rosé :- Yeah unnie, let's just sleep. She'll be fine tomorrow morning.
( All of them go and sleep in their rooms )

                    Next morning

Rosé went in Lisa's room and try to wake her up.

Rosé :- Lisa! Wake up! We have to go to school !

Lisa :- Rosie let me sleep.
Rosé :- Ahh! Lisa you know we have our first day of new school today!

( Lisa suddenly flinch and wake up )
Lisa :- Ohh I really forgot that. I'm just getting ready in a few minutes.

[ After sometimes Lisa came downstairs running ]
Lisa :- I'm ready let's go.
Rosé :- What about the breakfast.
Jisoo :- We'll do it at school canteen.
Jennie :- Now just come fast we're getting late!

- Blackpink reach at the school

Their outfits

Their outfits

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( When they reach at the school everyone was just looking at them, especially boys )

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( When they reach at the school everyone was just looking at them, especially boys )

Guy 1 :- Look! They're so hot.
Guy 2 :- Yeah, just look at them.
Guy 3 :- They're just so fine...
Guy 4 :- I wish one of them become my girlfriend.

Jennie :- Guys, everyone is looking at us.
Lisa :- We know that.
Rosé :- I'm so hungry.
Jisoo :- Are you always hungry unnie.
Rosé :- Of course.

( After going inside school )
Jisoo :- Now we have to go to Principal's office.
Jennie :- Okay let's go.

( Blackpink knocked the door before entering principal's office )
Principal :- Come in !
Jennie :- Good morning sir, we're blackpink.
Principal :- Ohh blackpink! I'm glad that you came to our school. Now, come I'll drop you to your classroom.

( Principal took blackpink to their classroom )
Principal :- Mr Lee! They are blackpink, our new students.
Mr Lee :- Ohh, please come inside and introduce yourself.
( When Blackpink entered everyone's eyes were on them )

Jisoo :- Hello everyone! We are blackpink. My name is Kim Jisoo. You can call me Jisoo and I'm the oldest.
Jennie :- Hii, I'm Kim Jennie. You can call me Jennie.
Rosé :- Hello! My name name is Park Chaeyoung. You can call me Rosé.
Lisa :- Hii! Myself Lalisa Manoban. You can call me Lisa, and I'm the Maknae.

Mr Lee :- Ok girls you can go and sit there.
( Blackpink went to their seats. Rosé      and Jisoo sit together and Lisa and Jennie sit together )

[ BTS were also in the same school as Blackpink. Luckily in the same class 😁 ]

Jimin :- Wait, that girl with bangs. Isn't she the same girl, who we met yesterday.
Taehyung :- Yes! She is that one. Her name is Lisa.
Jungkook :- I still can't believe Jimin she said you handsome. ( Laugh )
Jin :- What are you guys talking about?
Suga :- Yes! What are you saying?
Jungkook :- Let me tell you guys!
( Jungkook tells them everything )

- Jimin giving death stare at Jk.
RM :- Ohhh! Jimin! ( Teasing look )
( Suddenly the recess bell ring )
Jimin :- Umm, the recess bell ring! Let's go outside.
J-hope :- Ok! Let's go.

( Blackpink already went outside )
- When Blackpink was walking in the corridor, than suddenly they bumped into some boys,  they were BTS.

Jennie :- Hey! Don't you have eyes?
Taehyung :- Do you have your eyes?
Rosé :- You guys just bumped into us and you are blaming us!

- Lisa suddenly noticed Jimin and she was just shocked. She recognised that Jimin was that guy who she called handsome in the club.

Lisa :- You! Y-You! What are you doing here?
Jisoo :- Do you guys know each other?
Jimin :- Y-Yes-- ( cutt off by Lisa )
Lisa :- N-No! I was just saying.
Jisoo :- Ohh okay!
Rosé :- Now, you guys just move out of our way!
Jungkook :- Y-You!
Rosé :- Let's go!
( Blackpink went from there )
Jungkook :- Wait! Did she just ignore me! How can she?
Jin :- Hey just relax! C'mon let's go!
( BTS also went from there )
Thanks for reading my story. Sorry if there's any mistake. 💗💗

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