#9 The Night

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- Lisa and Jimin had dinner and were going home.
When they were in car going to Lisa's house. Suddenly Jimin started touching and massaging her thigh. Lisa war started by this. She was confused.

Lisa :- J-Jimin...
Jimin :- Don't be shocked baby. ( Wink )
( Lisa blush. Suddenly Jimin stopped the car )
Lisa :- What happened Jimin?
( Jimin came near Lisa )
Jimin :- Lisa, I wanna say something to you.
Lisa :- What?
Jimin :- I like you. I like you very much.
Lisa :- ...I like you more Jimin! I really like you.
( Jimin kissed her softly. Sometimes later,they broke the kiss )

Lisa and Jimin reached her house.
Jimin :- Bye! See you tomorrow.
Lisa :- Ahh, why don't you come inside.
Jimin :- Umm....okay

Jimin and Lisa went inside. When they came inside Jimin suddenly closed the door and hold her waist and kissed her. She was flinched, but she kissed him back. After sometimes they broked the kiss.

Lisa :- What happened Jimin?
Jimin :- I love you baby.
Lisa :- I love you more my baby.  ( Peck on his lips )

Jimin lifted Lisa in his arms and took her to the bedroom kissing her. He put Lisa on the bed carefully. They started taking off each other's clothes. Soon both of them were naked. Jimin hovered above Lisa and kissed her potentially.

Then, he started kissing and biting Lisa's neck, leaving hickeys on it. Lisa was unable to control her moans.
Lisa :- Ahhhh~ Baby~

Jimin reached to her breasts, sucking and biting her breasts one bye one. Lisa was moaning in pleasure. Jimin whispered in her ears
Jimin :- I love you babygirl.
Lisa :- Ahh~ I love you more baby.

This was a dreamy night. Both of them spent the whole night together. They made the night spent cuddling each other and moaning in pleasure, kissing and sucking each other.

[ Next day in the morning Lisa woke up and found her in Jimin's arms. Jimin was sleeping like a baby, Lisa was continuously admiring him.

Jimin :- Stop staring at me.
Lisa :- Huh.... Are you awake? N-No, I was not staring at you! ( Looks away )
( Jimin lifted Lisa's chin and turned her towards him )
Jimin :- You can't lie to me Princess. ( He pecked her lips )
Lisa :- Ahh, okay! My baby! Now just move your hand I have to freshen up.

( Lisa stood up from the bed but Jimin hold her wrist and pulled her on him. After that, he turned her and hovered above her )
Jimin :- Do you think I will let you go easily, babygirl.
Lisa :- Ahh, you're so flirty. But don't even dare to flirt with other girls! Okay!
Jimin :- Why would I do that, when I have the prettiest girl ever!
( Jimin kissed her passionately and then let her go )
Sorry if there's any mistake 😊💗
I know the story is not so good and small but I'm trying my best.
I hope you all understand. 💖💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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