#4 Dinner

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( After sometimes the bell ring )

Lisa :- Ahh.... Finally the bell rang!
Jisoo :- C'mon let's go
Lisa :- Bye, Mr Jimin!
Jimin :- Huh.....Bye!!

( Blackpink went from there. BTS also went )

Jisoo :- Finally we're going home.
Lisa :- Yes!
Rosé :- BTW, Lisa do you really haven't meet Jimin before today?
Lisa :- A- Umm, N-No! W-Why?
Jennie :- Cause Lily we heard your conversation with Jimin. ( Smirk )
Lisa :- W- What? What do y-you mean!?
Jisoo :- You're thinking right Lisa, we heard your conversation with the "handsome boy".
Lisa :- What, N-No? Ahh...... Unnie I was drunk that time?
Jennie :- We know Lisa. But be careful next time okay!
Lisa :- Okay, Jennie unnie....

( Suddenly Lisa's phone rang. It was her dad's call )

Lisa :- Hello, Yes dad.
Lisa's Dad :- Why are you sweetie?
Lisa :- Ahh.... I'm going home from school!
Lisa's Dad :- Ohh, I actually wanted to say that, you have come with us on dinner today. With Park family!
Lisa :- What? Why me!
Lisa's Dad :- Cause they wanted to invite you too!! And you have to come! Understand.
Lisa :- Ahh...Okay Dad!
( Call ended )
- Lisa sigh...

Jennie :- What happened Lisa?
Rosé :- Yeah you look very tensed!?
Lisa :- Actually...my dad invited me to dinner with Park family!
Jisoo :- So, what's the problem in it? You can go!
Lisa :- I know, but I don't wanna go there....
Rosé :- Why??
Lisa :- Cause I just don't like to do dinner with my family's friends!!
Jennie :- C'mon Lily, just go. Okay!
Lisa :- Fine!.....
Jisoo :- Yeah. C'mon let's go now.

- Lisa went to her house and get ready for the dinner with Park family. After getting ready Lisa went to the restaurant in her car.

Lisa's outfit

( Imagine Lisa wearing this dress )

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( Imagine Lisa wearing this dress )

- Lisa reached the restaurant and was about to go in. Suddenly she received a call from her mother.

Lisa's mom :- Lisa, where are you the Park family is here.
Lisa :- Mom! I'm just outside of the restaurant!
Lisa's mom :- Ok, come fast.
( Call ended )
- Lisa gave a sigh before entering the restaurant.

When Lisa entered she saw her mom and dad with Park family and there was an another guy also. She thought that would be Mr Park's son.

Mrs Park :- Ahh.. Mrs monaban where is Lisa.
Lisa's mom :- Ahh there she is.
Lisa's Dad :- Come Lisa. Sit beside Jimin.
Lisa :- What? J-Jimin?

( Lisa was confused after hearing that name. She saw Jimin sitting there. )
- Jimin was also confused after seeing Lisa. And lisa sit beside him.

Jimin :- Lisa? Y-You?
Jimin's mom :- Do you guys know each other.
Jimin :- Ahh....Yeah.
Lisa :- Actually... we both are in same school, in same class.
Jimin's dad :- That's really nice that you guys already know know each other.
( Jimin and Lisa akward smile )

( Everyone started having dinner )

- Lisa wishper to Jimin
Lisa :- Hey! What are you doing here?
Jimin :- What do you mean? I'm also here for the dinner. My parents forced me to come!
Lisa :- My parents also forced me!!

Jimin's mom :- By the way, do you remember, how Jimin and Lisa used to play when they were kids.
Lisa's mom :- Yeah, they were so
Lisa :- What? Wait... That boy was you?
Jimin :- And that girl was you?....
( Jimin and Lisa smile at each other )

( The dinner was over. Lisa and Jimin came out of the restaurant )

Jimin :- I seriously didn't expected that our parents will be friends.
Lisa :- Yeah! Me too. ( Chuckle )
Jimin :- Umm, Lisa! You're looking really pretty.
Lisa :- Thanks Jimin ( Blush )
( Jimin was admiring Lisa's beauty all the time )
Jimin :- Ahh, Lisa! Can I drop you to your house....
Lisa :- Umm....Sorry, but I will go in my car. Maybe next time...
Jimin :- It's okay! See you tomorrow at school!

( Jimin and Lisa went from there in their cars )
Sorry if there's any mistake 😊😔

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