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It was the baby shower for the baby after weeks they found out the baby gender.  At Fredbears 2 guys named Xino Afton and Victor were working.

Xino: thank God we finally gotten these thing moved.

They looked at the 2 animatronics

They looked at the 2 animatronics

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Victor: so you're going to Mr

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Victor: so you're going to Mr. Afton  baby shower?

Xino:Nah  you know my wife doesn't want me to drink a lot of root beer she'll kill me for being late.

Victor: I think I might go home to, you know, tonight, we got a night shift.

Xino groans.

Xino: Dude, I totally forgot about that. Tho why do we have to watch these things? It's not like nobody's gonna steal them. I mean, who wants to steal these creepy ass motherfuckers?

They looked at the 2 animatronics.

Victor: hey, chill about that, you know, my niece and nephew love them.

Xino: That reminds me how's little Cassidy and M/n? I heard Cassidy's going to  kindergarten.

Victor:They're fine. Tho Cassidy, doesn't like the purple. You know how she hates girly color's.

Xino chuckled.

Xino: looks like little Cassidy's growing up to be a rebellious child.

Victor: Yeah, I am about to head home, see you tonight man.

Xino:You too. Also make sure to get pizza and I mean  a lot of pizza and I will get sodas for tonight because ain't no way I'm gonna watch this place for my brother  without some entertainment and some food.



(This was 1972 this has nothing to do with Superman so I don't want to see no memes)

Norman and Elizabeth were playing tag with each other  while Michael was talking with his friends and Vanessa was playing with her toys.

Amanda:Wow Clara this  baby shower is amazing. I haven't seen the whole neighborhood come to something big ever since the opening of Fredbears.

Clara giggles softly.

Clara:I know.

William and Henry were discussing something in William shed.

Henry: William we need new animatronics.

William sighs.

Willian: Henry, we've been over this, Fred bears family diner is fine as it is.

Henry:I know but_

William:How about we stop talking about work and enjoy the party.

Henry:You're right.


Everyone surrounds the big table and when William cuts the cake.   A blue balloon comes out of the cake.

Clara:IT'S A BOY!!

Everyone cheered. The Afton family was having another boy. This was a happiest moment for everyone.


(So if you're wondering who Victor is in my fnaf book this is  experimental cross over between me and Victor_TheRiper books hoping to combine lore)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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