Elysium: Home Sweet Home

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By now he had arrived infront of his place and entered. He had actually lost his keys, but thankfully there was face recognition available so he managed to enter without much of an issue.

Though his mood was heavy due to the future vision, it still got better once he saw Fu Hua in the kitchen. With his skills, it was not too difficult to sneak up behind her.

Currently she was humming a tune whilst cutting some cabbages, just that scene alone made him feel that it was worthwhile to return here first.

Taking note of the knife, he first spoke up before embracing her.

"I'm back, sorry for making you wait."

She yelped but didn't stab him with the knife, afterall, that voice was something she would recognise anywhere. Although he had only went out for a month, for her it felt like the most lonely period of her life.

Smiling, she held onto his arms despite having gotten flustered,

"W-Welcome back, h-home, Juviel~."

Chuckling at her stuttering at the word home, Juviel was just about to let go, but she held on tight.

"... You are going outside again, right?"

Juviel was surprised, huh? Was this the infamous woman's intuition? But he didn't want to lie to her either, so he spoke up after some silence.

".. Yes, I just returned and something extremely urgent came up. Apparently a friend of mine's little sister is in danger, so I'm making a trip over there."

Hearing that, Fu Hua smiled bitterly, she wanted to spend time with him but it seemed that was impossible for now. She wanted to say 'so your friend is more important to you than me, huh?', but she knew better than to let her emotions do the talking.

Afterall, he was trying to save the world, the least she could do was to provide him with a place to call home.

But still she felt a bit angry.

[You have successfully trolled Fu Hua for +10 Rage Points.]

Feeling a bit stunned, Juviel didn't outright leave.

"So this is the new System? Not gonna lie, this will be massively helpful in dealing with relationships.. Back to topic, it's understandable why she's angry.. I made her wait and now I'm telling her that I'm leaving immediately afterwards."

Now he didn't want to leave but he had to, so he decided to spend time with her first,

"What have you been doing these days? I'm curious."

That question did the trick, her eyes lit up as she started telling him everything that occurred during his absence, so I(Author) decided to summarise it,

"School, I was studying and in my free time I practiced what you gave me."

Saying that, she felt a bit guilty for some reason. She didn't like how school took more of her time than what Juviel gave her to do. She wanted to spend more time with practicing what Juviel gave her.

Juviel hadn't noticed her inner guilt so he simply ruffled up her hair and said,

"Good girl, study well. Did anything else noteworthy happen?"

Being praised by Juviel had gotten the guilt out of her system so she replied with a smile,

"Hm.. There was someone called Kevin Kaslana the class next to my class. Apparently there were rumours that he had connections with the Principal and that he used those connections to put his sister's class next to his class."

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