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Terrance, Mason, and Mei walked side by side down the hallway, two minutes away from the food court. Malcolm walked ahead of them, not even glancing back to see if they followed.

"Hey, so, what the hell's up with Malcolm? I'm used to him being a grumpy old bag, but this seems to be on a different level." Mei whispered to Terrance and Mason, hoping at least one of them knew what was going on with the delinquent.

"I knew I wasn't the only one getting a sad vibe from him..." Mason nervously chuckled, "But, sadly, I don't know what the problem is."

Terrance sighed, "You guys seen the new kid?" He asked.

"Uh, no haven't seen him." Mei answered back immediately.

"I haven't seen him either. Even if he's the talk of the school, barely anyone has seen him after class. They're already picking a nickname for him. I think they're thinking of calling him, 'The Omega.'" Mason shrugged, "To be honest, if I was to give 'em a nickname, it'll be 'The Ghost.' He pops out of nowhere, and when people are looking for 'em, 'poof.' At least, that's what I heard."

"Damn, he's already getting a nickname?"

"They're quick to name every year.." Terrance said with a small chuckle.

In this school, everyone is given a name by the students that outs your personality immediately. The more popular you are, the more likely you are to get a nickname.

Since the nicknames are made by teenagers, they're not very...confusing. They're pretty straightforward actually, and some of them are just plain insults.

The group of friends are actually popular. They aren't popular rightfully; They're infamously popular, actually. They gain popularity every single day that passes; and when students found out the group were friends, the group was named the 'Chaos Quartet.'

They have their individual names, of course.

Malcolm was seen as the leader of the Chaos Quartet. He's one of the less chaotic, but he's a delinquent that normally gets into fights. He always ends up being suspended—or nearly expelled—when he gets into a fight, mostly cause he almost kills the ones that he fights. He smokes cigarettes sometimes, and he has a few tattoos on his body. Despite this, he's all good at academic work, and he's also the Basketball Team's Captain.

Thus, he was nicknamed 'The Delinquent.'

There was nothing else to name him. He was a natural rule breaker. He barely shows up to school on time, and when he does, he has the meanest attitude. He does graffiti on school grounds. He has an incredibly foul-mouth, and he barely has respect for his teachers. Honestly, people believe that he'll be in jail his first day after graduating with this kind of record.

Terrance is a different case. He's seen as 'The Delinquent's' right-hand man, which definitely confuses people. This is because Terrance is always nice, kind, and inclusive. He's never been suspended, and he helps teachers and students alike whenever they need it. He's gotten into a fight before—which he won by breaking the person's arm on a metal railing—but he didn't get in trouble cause he was able to convince the principal that it's self defense, and the person broke their arm by mistake in the middle of the scuffle, which meant the other person had to go home, while Terrance was able to stay in school. He's naturally good at academic work, but he's severely lacking in athletics like Malcolm or Mason.

Thus, he was nicknamed 'The "Nice" Guy.'

His nickname is notably sarcastic when it's written out in the way it's intended. It's supposed to show that Terrance may seem like a good person—and he is for the most part, but he isn't someone that you should piss off.

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