Chapter 1 - Hayashi Rice Makes Me Moo

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"Ah, break truly is the best." Misato sighed as she put her hands behind her head. She stared at her unamused and disappointed best friend Rei. "Why are you looking at me like that?"


"It's the fucking meat isn't it.?" Misato playfully frowned. Rei was a vegetarian, and especially liked cows. Being in the countryside since birth, her family were farmers. Rei promised she'd never eat animals; they were too cute. "I'm sorryyy, but beef is so good. Plus, you know it's my favorite, so spare me this time please?" puppy-eyed, she clapped her hands together. Whenever the two ate together, Misato always ordered vegetarian options. However, they were at Sako's Restaurant, famed for their Hayashi Rice.

"PenPen is never going to look at you the same anymore." Rei crossed her arms. "I guess I'll have to tell him you're a dinosaur."

The girls laughed at each other. Their bond was a little special, as one could assume. Their friendship, built off of coffee jelly was since sustained through peculiar and cringy interactions. They felt that they could be unapologetically themselves when with each other, and thus blossomed a lifelong friendship.

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"I'll go pay now."

"No, I'll pay."



"No Misa-"

"Yes Reirei-"

They struggled, trying to pry the check off each others hands.

"Misa let me pay."

"NO! You wanna know why? I ate beef, which doesn't align with your morals, which means I've caused undeniable discomfort, making you entitled to free food." a smug expression grew on Misato's face.

"Fine!" Rei shrugged. "If you just ate vegetarian you'd be getting the free food."

"Well, I'm sorry I have the conventional diet! Plus, I love beef so much! I love hayashi rice so much! I love it so much because hayashi rice makes me moo. You wanna see me moo for hayashi rice? MOOOOO-"

"Hayashi rice makes you moo?" A voice interrupted, stopping Misato in her mooing tracks.

I swear to god that sounds like Wakatoshi. If that's Wakatoshi I'm going to kill myself. She took a deep breathe before fully turning around to face, well, Wakatoshi. Oh, and the rest of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team. Ushijima looked at her with a blank expression, nevertheless still harboring genuine curiosity. Fuck me, where's the nearest bridge?

"It's an expression Ushiwaka, you gotta stop being such a grandpa. Hey Misa-chan." Tendou spoke up before waving at the terrified girl. "You get the team a table, new captain. I've got some business to talk to Misa about."

"Oh is it about the-"

"Ah ah. Go." Ushijima brushed off Tendou's interaction and led the team to the largest table. "Sit sit." He patted Misato back down into her seat. "Okay before I say what I'm gonna, it's nice to meet you ma'am, Tendou Satori." He lightly nodded his head.

"Yeah, Keidou Rei. It's nice to meet you." Rei smiled back.

"Alright sorry back to the conversation." He sharply turned around to face Misato. "Wait I wanna say I'm so glad we bumped into you, because you just saved me from a long text. Anyways, Ushiwaka and I were talking, and we want to provide an offer." He mischievously pressed his hands together. "We want you to manager our team next year."

"Uhh, I've never even talked to anyone besides you?"

"Yes, we know. You never texted Ushijima, much to his sorrow." Tendou poked. " But, we had our kouhais check, and you have no clubs listed yet in your form."

"What? How do you guys know-"

"Don't worry about it. But, we're not forcing to you to. We are still practicing during break, and our first years have already come in too. Ushiwaka's surprisingly a great captain. Sorry, back on track. Come to our practices, and tell us what you think. I'll text you a few volleyball things to know. Rei-chan can come too!"

"I mean, that actually sounds quite fun. I'm in. What time?"

"Every weekday from 9am to 4pm."

"I'll be there.

"Yay! As a thank you let me get that." He swiftly pics up the girls' check, and walked toward the register.

"WHAT? SATORI! COME BACK!" but Tendou quickly rushed to the register. He pointed his fingers at the their table, and flashed a thumbs up. The owner nodded firmly in response.

Tendou walked back. "Thanks for being interested best friend. I'll see you tomorrow." holding out his fist.

"Thank you for paying. It's my treat next time." Misato returns the fist bump. Tendou clicks his tongue, and leaves to his table. "Uh, that was interesting. I mean I might as well go, I've not nothing better to do. Are you gonna- uhhh, Rei? Why the shock?"

"Did he just call me Rei-chan?"

"Yeaaah. Wait. What does Tendou mean "much to Wakatoshi's sorrow"? Reirei?"

"Wakatoshi? You've never been talked to him."

"He told me to call him that."

"Interesting. Coffee jelly?"


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"She's coming." Tendon tapped Ushijima's shoulder. "Uh, guys, that was Misato, I'm sure you all know her. The brain beauty? Yeah. She's gonna come watch our practices, so make sure to do well." The team nodded in response. "Ushiwaka. Ushiwaka. Ushijima Wakatoshi."


"What the fuck are you doing?"

"...moo. Why doesn't it make me moo?"

"It's an expression."

"I know, I just kind of hoped it would work."

"Does volleyball make you bounce? Wait don't answer that that was stu-"


"What's up with the senpais?" Goshiki muttered to Semi.

"Welcome to the team kid."



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