BTLO5Y: Selfish or Selfless?

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No matter how bad things seem, we must never give up hope. Krishna tells Arjuna in the Gita that, even if our lives seem like a total disaster, we should never lose faith or give up. This is because he knows that eventually everything will work out for our good. In the midst of difficulties, it's easy to forget our responsibilities and just try to get by however we can. But the Gita reminds us that we still have duties to perform, no matter how hard life gets. So even when everything seems hopeless, we should continue doing our best and trust that things will eventually get better.

No matter how hard things get, we must never lose hope. As long as we keep fighting, there is always a chance that things will improve. Even if the odds seem insurmountable, we must never give up on ourselves or our goals.

Anika, Randeep and Jay were sitting in Maya's office, it was 11.30 night, as soon as Maya got to know that Anika is been attacked, she fastened her search regarding the case. Jay was telling some facts to Maya when Randeep looked at Anika and found her lost.

Deep: What's wrong Queen?

Anika came out of thoughts while Maya and Jay looked at her

J: Ma'am you should take a day off

M: Yes Anika, yesterday was a tough day for you, you should have rested today

A: I am fine guys, let's focus on the case

Deep: So Jay what were you saying?

J: When the attack happened, I made a call to Anika Ma'am to tell her about Veeranshu

A: And you told me that, he is planning to misplace the pendrive and other proof which we collected

J: Exactly, after the incident we started keeping watch on him 24*7 and this evening we got this

Jay handed Anika a photograph in which Veeranshu is shaking hands with a man, middle aged and dressed like a lawyer.

Deep: Who's this?

Maya took the photograph from him and said
M: Mr Makhija

A: You know him?

M: Obviously, he is a lawyer, my fiance and him clashed many times in the court room

Deep: Okay, so what's wrong if Veeranshu is meeting another lawyer, maybe it's about some case

Maya: No Randeep, there is a connection and an old connection

Deep: What do you mean?

J: Sir, I contacted Maya Ma'am as this other person in the photograph was in lawyer's getup, she recognised him and told me to find out about him

A: So? What you got?

J: Mr Makhija is a legal advisor of three groups and he also worked for Thapars in the past

Deep: Who are those three groups?

J: Sisodiya's, Gujral's and...

Deep: And who?

J: The Kapoors
Randeep widened his eyes and Anika went numb, she never expected in her wildest dream that she again had to deal with Kapoors

Deep: You mean, Pawan Kapoor and his son Daksh Kapoor

J: Yes Sir, Oberoi's and Anika Ma'am's past rivals

Anika pressed her head as it was hurting, Randeep leans back on his chair, there was silence in the room, when Maya said

M: Let's do this tomorrow, we all need rest

Nobody said anything and all moved outside, Maya instructed her watchman to lock the office, the reached the parking, Jay left with Randeep, while Anika and Maya left in their respective cars giving each other a hug, wishing good night. Anika started her car and drove to her home, after covering a distance she stopped the vehicle at a small shop which was about to close she pepped out the window and smiled at the old man.

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