Chapter 1 The big life

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It's been 6 months since I have moved to America, with my father and his family, and it has been a hell hole, everything here is so different. I would spend days in my room not wanting to go outside or even move around in this house, because everywhere I move my step sister Ashley has Camera everywhere she literally video everything she does and sometimes it is so annoying.

I picked up my phone from my bed as I check through my emails to see if anyone accepted me for any of my qualification i have sent in, since I move here I had to drop my job of being a Nurse and now I am jobless, I didn't wanna do it but my mom kept begging me to come here with my father because she wanted me to have a relationship with him, like seriously why now, he had 20 years to do that, but instead he created his own family, my mom and I was just a burden he had to look after.

"Zeynap come on hurry and get ready for your sister's birthday, it's already 7 pm" Sarah knocked on the door and proceeded to open it. "ohhh... I forgot" I muttered, bro everyday it's a damn party in this house, so I just don't keep up with it. Sarah is my step mother, she's also a evil witch.

"Hurry up I don't have time to waste and remember her theme is red" she grunted, as she slammed the door behind her. I rolled my eyes in annoyed as I headed to my closet to find a fit.

What should I wear ? I asked myself as my eyes glances through my outfits, then all of a sudden my eyes catch a long red dress with long-sleeve, "perfect" I mumble, as I took it off it's hanger, then I move over to find a suitable hijab color, I picked out my favorite black hijab to go with the dress. I quickly putted on the dress and my hijab, the dress wasn't tight which was perfect for me as a Muslim I respected myself, I would show that off to this family who doesn't even believe in God, at first when I got here they wanted me to take off my hijab but I refuse and that's why my step mother and sister always think I am being oppress, even when I try to explain to them why I wear it they just hate on me.

I walked out of my room heading downstairs, to greet my sister's friends and family's, who always give me the eyes like if I am doing something wrong. "Zeynap, come meet Mr and Mrs Efendi, I think you might remember them" my father said as he held my wrist and took me to them.

"Oh my god this is Zeynap?" Mrs Efendi said in shock as she covered her mouth with her hands. This is so awkward, please send help, "hello" I muttered. "Zeynap It's been so long, the last time we saw you, you were a baby" Mr Efendi said in joy as he nodded to me.

I smile, "you look just like your mother" Mrs Efendi said as she pull me in and hugged me tightly, her hug was warm and it felt nice, I was also surprised that she was also a hijabi, and her husband looks like he was also religious too, Mrs Efendi was a thick up woman she wasn't too fat nor slam, she was the same height as me which was 5,5ft , she had on a long beautiful red dress with silver glitters on the sleeves, with her white hijab, as for her husband he had an a red long-sleeved shirt with black long pants, he was tall and not too bad looking for a older man, his hair was all slick back and it had couple gray hairs on the sides.

"Thanks" I released her from the hold, "you must meet my son" she stated with a smile.

My eyes widen, oh Allah don't let this be, I prayed "umm..." I mumbled nervously, "Aisha, what are you talking about you know our son is deeply invested with Ashley," Mr Efendi muttered to his wife, but she rolled her eyes in disgust. My father then looked at me then his gaze went back to Mr Efendi. "May you excuse me for bit" I said trying to break the silence in this horrible conversation, "Yes of course" Aisha said and Her husband nodded, I then stepped back and make my way outside to pool side, Ashley got her famous friends over, so it's was kinda weird for me, I didn't know anyone here, and it's not like I will go make conversations because I hate people especially crowded placing, let just say I am a introvert. My gaze move from one place to another as I watch the others jumped into the pool with their bikinis on and shirtless men smoking cigarettes they were even drinking beers, "astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness in God) I mumble to myself, how can my father allow such thing , alhamdulillah (praise be to God) for my mother, she place me in the straight path.

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