chapter 4. My plans

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it's morning after last night party I found myself in Ashley room, "fuck" I growled as I try to figure out what happen last night, "good morning handsome" a soft tone came across the room, "Ashley what happened last night" I asked, she came onto the bed then climbed on top of me, as she placed kisses on my neck, "I don't know I can't remember" she murmured. "What time is it, I have to get to work", I move her off me. Grabbing my phone, "fuck!!" I growled, I was late it almost 9am, I normally have to reach in my office at 7:30, "bae!!" Ashley shouted in a sad tone, "sorry but I gotta go love, see you tonight" I kissed her one last time before I putted on my boots, as I quickly ran downstairs without even looking I ran into someone, the speed I was running, made us fall to the floor, "shit!!" Growled, that's when my eyes might hers, it was Zeynap, she was just laying on the floor, my left hands on her waist, I was on top of her. This was wrong of me, I shouldn't be like this with her, I wasn't allowed to touch such a woman of respect and innocence, the look in Zeynap eyes as i gazes in hers, I couldn't look away, even her it was something that drawn us to just keep staring, my heart pounds in my chest as I felt our hot breaths against each other face, her brown eyes filled with innocence and purity. What is she doing to me?, I quickly got to my senses and snapped out of this madness, I clear my throat, as I let go of her waist, Zeynap quickly pushed me off her, and got up she looked down in embarrassment and ashamed, "I am sorry I needed mean for this.." I stutter but she cutted me off, "you should have been careful" she snapped, as she try to fix her hijab, I quickly lower my gaze in respect for her, "I know, I was in a hurry and I didn't see you, once I again I apologize deeply", look at me apologizing to her, this is something I never do, "astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah" she keep mumble to herself, "I am sure Allah will forgive you, it was an accident, it wasn't your fault its mine", but she just kept on repeating it, ignoring me, "I should umm go" I muttered, "once again I am really sorry" , I bow my head and walked away, as I was about to open the door, I remembered about my offer to her, "Zeynap" I called her softly, she stopped mumbling and looked at me, "about the offer?" I asked. I wanted to help her get back on track and after what she did for my mom last night, I wanted to thank her.
"I.. umm I had time to think about it and.." she played with her hands, as her gaze look down, "and?" I lifted my eyes brows, I wanted her to accept this, I don't know why but I did. "Yes I accept" she said with a small smile, automaticly a smirk appear on my lips uncontrollable, "good, I guess I will see you tomorrow then?" I asked,
"Ye. Yes..." she muttered.
"Do you have any questions?" I asked, the look on her face was uncertain, she was just looking down nervously, "no not really", "you sure?" I asked. "Yes, if I have any questions I will let you know" she said, as her gaze moved up towards mine. I nodded "Alright, well see you tomorrow, I will text you the address and more details", "ok..., but umm you don't have my number" she muttered. "Don't worry about that", I didn't have to get her number in persons, I could easily get it, I know everything about her family, I have informed she nor Ashley knows about, so getting a phone number wasn't something I would worry about. "I should get going, bye" I told her, "bye" she muttered softly, I walked out the door.

ꕥ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ ❀ꗥ~ꗥ❀ꕥ ❀ꗥ ~❀

3 hours later

I am at work, finishing up some paper works for my up coming meeting tomorrow, it was almost time for my lunch break, but today I decided to stay in and finish off, so I could get off early to spend time with Ashley, since she is leaving in 2 days for another fashion show in Korea, sometimes its hard for us, especially me, I don't do good with long distance relationships, at first Ashley and I had so many problems because of that, not only that worried me is the fact she is going placing and I don't know what she's doing or who she's with, is not that I don't trust her but sometimes she makes me question it. My mind was running wild with all these thoughts, all of a sudden my phone rang, I glanced over to it and my mom name showed up, I then picked it up from my desk and answer it, "mom, what's wrong?" I asked worried, normally my mom wouldn't call only if it's a emergency. "Aadam hey, nothing is wrong, I was just calling you to tell you when you finish working to come home earlier your father and I need to speak to you", she said.
Speak to me.., "What's going on?" I asked curiously, this was off, "we will tell you when you get here",
"Alright" I grunted and my mom ended the call, removing the phone from my ears placing it down on the desk I rubbed my temple, I was curious about what they wanted to talk about, was my dad retiring now but he say till next year, all these thoughts in my mind and somehow my mind went to the incident this morning with Zeynap, not only that, she agree on working with me, that means she's gonna be here everyday, oh fuck Aadam what have you done, did I just hire her because maybe I wanted to get to know her more, I mean when Ashley introduced her, I was shock because Ashley's family was never religious I didn't know Ahmed had other daughter, not only that he is knew to be doing alot of illegal business around the place, does Zeynap even know about this, that night when Ashley try to embarrassed her I couldn't stand it, because my family are religious, my sisters and my mom are hijabis I can't let Ashley disrespected that, even though I don't follow up my religion I would always defend it.
I always hope maybe someday I would get back on track and accept faith, but it's so hard on me, not only that I barely even have to time pray or even do anything, I know it's a stupid excuse but I just find it hard.

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⏰ Last updated: 7 days ago ⏰

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