Chapter 2. Jobless

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"Zeynap come over here!" Ashley called me, she was standing next to the pool with her red bikini that captures her figure beautifully, since Ashley was a model her body was straight out of Victoria secret, and she didn't play to show that off to anyone. I walked over to her, she was standing with her best friends, "hey" I muttered. "Guys this is my step sister" she introduced me. "Really?" One of her friends said as she looked at me from head to toe, I just knew she was judging they all were, and I just place a small smile on my face. "And this is my boyfriend Aadam", Ashley said as she placed her hands on his bare chest, with a smile on her face, her boyfriend on the other hand was smoking hot, his body was muscular, with his 6 packs, broad shoulders and he was in his shorts that was a little long to his knees, his slicked back black hair, as the water dropped from his hair to his body, so perfect, I felt his blue eyes gazing at me but I realized I was examining him in a nasty way and quickly lower my gaze, astaghfirullah Zeynap this is wrong. "Hi nice to meet you" his heavy manly voice muttered, his voice did something to me that makes me automatically looked up at him, he placed his hands out to shake mine. "nic.. nice to meet you" I said but I didn't shake his hands instead I placed my hands on my chest and nodded, "I apologize but I can't touch you" I explained. Even though maybe I wanted to but I can't touch the opposite gender unless it's a curtein family member because in Islam it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to hug or even touch the opposite gender unless if it's an emergency. "Oh my bad I am sorry I completely forgot" he stated. "What's going on?" Ashley asked clueless, of course she is. "Your sister can't be touch by a man only if it's her
husband or a certain family member " Aadam explain to Ashley. "My sisters are just like that", wait he has sisters that are Muslims then how is he like this, "Wow so much rules, I feel sorry for you" Ashley chuckle, as all her friends laughed with her. "Why are you guys laughing?" Aadam asked "because she literally oppress" . Here we go again Oppress what is wrong with these people,

I sighted "so if she is oppress that means my mother, my sisters and all of those Muslims woman out there are oppress?" Aadam grunted, Ashley and her friends stop giggling, and went quiet they couldn't answer his questions, that's to show how stupid and uneducated they were, Aadam was on my side, and it felt nice for once someone is sticking up for me. "Zeynap is very respectful woman, she represent Islam, you guys don't", when he said that I wanted to laugh in all of their faces, "respectful with that, Aadam I am a famous model I was claim to be the most beautiful woman in the whole America" Ashley bragged. "Yes and how many times you been fuck, or touch by other man to get that role, and this doesn't go for Ashley it go for all of you here" Aadam said harshly, I didn't think he was mad because of them bullying me he was mad that the fact they were making fun of Islam and the rules and those rules his family follows. I was shock to hear those words, I think he said something I always wanted to tell them, Ashley friends moved away in anger and Ashley just stood there quietly. I was just loving this, but I shouldn't allow him to bring other woman down like that, everyone has they way of seeing life, we shouldn't judge. "Umm I should go,it was nice meeting you Aadam" I muttered as I quickly walked off getting out of there I headed back to the house and throw myself on the big couch in the living room. I grasped that was very different, "Zeynap can you please go check on Aisha she isn't doing well, she's upstairs in bedroom" Mr Efendi said rushing over to me, "oh my what happen?" I asked in shock as I quickly got to my feet. "She said she was feeling light headed" , "maybe her pressure is high" I mumble. I quickly ran upstairs and head into the bedroom where I saw her, Sarah was given her some water to drink, "Mrs Efendi how are u feeling?" I asked "not too well honey" she murmured. "Do you suffer from pressure or diabetes?" I asked her.

"Yes I have stage 2 diabetes, maybe my glucose level is too low" she explains. "It could be , do you a glucose test, I could test to see if its low or high because I don't wanna give you anything before i make it worst" I could give her something sweet to eat but then I don't know if it's high, "Yes it's in my prose" I quickly move over to grab her prose on the desk, as collected to test machine and I went back to her, I place a new needle in the lancing device then I holded her index finger then prick the side of her fingertip with the needle then I place the test strip to the drop of blood and into the testing machine. "Its low" I stated, "Sarah can you please bring her something sweet to drink" I asked her "yes of course" Sarah left quickly, shutting the door behind her. "Mrs Efendi, you should always keep some candy with you and always drink your medication on time", I reassure her.

"I always do that, I don't know how I forgot to place the chocolate in my prose tonight"

I smile, "you will be alright just always remember next time ok?" I chuckle.

"Mom, are you ok!!" Aadam rushed into the room worried as he quickly ran to the side of the bed. Wait did he just say Mom, my eyes widen wait how. "I am fine son, it's just that my glucose level is quite low, but thanks to Zeynap, she is helping me" she smiled.

"You don't have to thank me Mrs Efendi, this is my job" I said, it's true I love helping people that's why I became a nurse in the first place. "

She smile, Sametime Sarah came back with a glass of Coca-Cola, she handed it to me as Aadam helped his mother up to sit on the bed, I handed her the glass and she began to take small sips, "Zeynap your father wants to speak to you" Sarah said, want to speak to me for what now, gosh can tonight get even more weird. "Excuse me" I said to Mrs Efendi as I walked out the door, as I was about to close the door behind me , Aadam stopped it, my gaze met his, his eyes were like ocean but cold,

"May I have a word with you before.." He said softly, "yes sure whats wrong?" I asked, he came out the room shutting the door behind us. "Thank you for helping my mom, you see she doesn't like to drink her medication on time, and this is not the first time this happens to her , if her sugar level is not high it's low, mostly it's high, can you please talk to her" he explained in worried. "I notice that, but I have already told her she need to drink her medication regularly, so I suppose she's gonna start doing that, but maybe you could help her with that",

"Help her how?" He asked lifting his left brows up. "You give her, her tablets every morning, and make sure she drink it, I know it's maybe a work on you but..", "I will" he cut me off, "I will do that, thanks".

"You don't have to thank me",

He smiled, "so you are a nurse?" He asked. "Yes, well" I sighted. "Was? What happened?", "I moved here" I downed my head, "and decided to give up on your dreams ?" He tilted his head as he stared at me. "No, I just it's hard to find job here I try applying but Noone wants me, and if they do hire me , it's just Because I am family with Ashley, I don't want that" , I can't bare to know that the only reason you hire me is the fact that you only want my sister for views. "I understand, I am umm actually looking for a new secretary, do you want the job, I will pay you even more than what you get in those hospitals?" He stated.

"You want me go from being a Nurse to a secretary?, are you mad?" I grunted, I am sorry but no I am not going to be fetching him coffee and doing slave work for him, "I will pay you more", "and do you think I become a nurse for money" I shouted at him I was angry,

"OK calm down, fine if you don't want the job that's finee, I just wanted to help you" he explained.

I folded my arms across my chest as I think about this, if I take this job I will do this for some time until someone accepts my applications, but the fact that I will be working for this very gorgeous man who is my sisters boyfriend, and I will be making his coffee and whatever he want me too do, umm no. But then again what kinda job he does, I didn't even ask I just jumped to conclusion. "What kinda job you do?" I asked.

"I am a the Ceo of A&E Investments, and soon I will be the Ceo of Gucci, so work for me and you never know you will have higher position in my company" he stated with a smirk,

Should I agree on this job I mean he very persuasive, "I have to think about it" I muttered, "Alright then, but don't keep me waiting, because I hate waiting" he grunted softly, then open back the room door heading inside, as he slammed the door behind him. Wow Mr big shot, now you left me with a lot to think, should I take it, oh Allah help me, I cried out. "Oh.. gosh dad!!" I muttered, I completely forgot about him, I quickly went to his office, this better be good, I think to myself.

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