Chapter 3. Finding my peace

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"Dad , you called for me?" I walked into the office, when I saw my dad looking through the big window as he gaze upon the madness my sister friends were doing in the yard.
"Dad?" I muttered, moving closer to him, he then quickly cleared his throat and turned to face me, his expression were cold as ice, he clenched his jaw as he stare at me. "Is everything ok?" , I couldn't read him, and it was freaking me out, ever since I came here my father has always been kind to me, he always has a smile on his face when I am around him but tonight something change in him. "Sit" he growled coldly as he pointed to the chair infront the desk, I quickly sated down, he then walked infront of me , as he folded his arms across his chest. "You have made a quiet expression of yourself tonight" he blurted. "Perhaps so" I mumble. "Ashley has complained to me of an incident that happened earlier will you explain to me what happen there at the pool?", wait did that b..... astaghfirullah , Zeynap It's not worth it breath, I take a deep breathe. "Whatever she said she is lying, and I didn't even say anything it was her boyfriend who insulted her not me".
"Then why did she told me that you called her a slut?", "she say what!!!" I yell in shocked, "dad you know me I would never insult or shame anyone, you know that" I try to defend myself from her lies, he sighted "I know, but she was crying so I had to believe her" he rolled his eyes, wow even my father was fed up with her. "You need to make a apologies to her, because you know she wouldn't let this slide" , he took a seat in front of me. "Apologize for what I didn't do anything!!", ok now I was getting even more angry, how is this my fault its her boyfriend's.
"Young lady I really don't have time to waste between you and your little sister drama now go apologize to her so we both can be free gosh" he demanded me his tone was harsh, my father never spoke to me like this before and tonight he did, it seem to me he was stress out about something but I couldn't tell. "Fine I will apologize " I muttered as I got up and lefted, I just give up and allow myself to be push around like a fool again.

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Minutes later

Ashley was already to stick her chocolate cake, as all of her friends gather around her, I stood behind not wanting to get notice or even get involved, they began to sing her happy birthday, Ashley was turning 19 today, yes she's young but acts like a big shot, I folded my arms across my chest as I lean against the wall just observing everything. Ashley and Aadam cutted the cake and feed eachother, "so pathetic" I mumble to myself in annoyed, yes I was being a hater, I couldn't help it.
I still needed to apologize to her, since she told lies on me , it's just so crazy and stupid. I had so much on my mind especially that job offer, should i accept it, I don't know I gotta go pray Isha prayer (The night prayer it's one of the five mandatory salah, Islamic prayer), before bed so maybe I will decide there.
After that everyone started drinking and then they were dancing, everyone was just Wilding out, this Dunya (world) is destroyed. As I was about to go head upstairs to my room I saw Ashley standing alone, I guess I should go talk her about her stupid lie she told our dad. "What do you want?" She asked with a attitude, when she saw me walking closer towards her, "oh nothing, just wanted to speak to you about the lies you told dad" I snapped at her.
"Lies I told him the true you insulted me", "I did no such thing , your boyfriend insulted you, not me you should complained on him" I stated, "he got mad because of you, you cause it", she grunted in anger, now here we go, she just love to look like the victim. "Oh my god Ashley grow up already".
"Fuck off you pathetic bitch, and get out of my sight, if you don't come here to apologize to me then don't talk to me" she yell, I chuckle at her ridiculous behavior and I just walked away heading to my room, if I stayed there I would have just got anger and god knows what I would have done to her.

I reach to my room I locked the door behind me and move towards to bathroom to take a shower and get ready to pray. After being around those drunks I needed to be clean, I took off my hijab and then my outfit putting them in the basket to wash then I stepped into the shower, as the warm water touched my scalp then run down to my skin I felt a sense of relief and relaxation.
After that warm shower , wiping my skin dry then my hair, I then putted on my prayer fix, grabbed my prayer mat and then my peace began.

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