Chapter Seven (Ruy Is Pushy and Other Obvious Stuff)

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"Hey Soni! What happened?" It was Ruy- of course he had accosted her as soon as she stepped in the door. She flashed her Black Swan monocle jokingly.

"Silvia, with the Black Swan. Ruy Ignis, you are under arrest." She slouched onto the dining room bench. "I'm beat. I had to say the same thing five times to get in, but at least I got the info. What's up for supper?" Ruy slid a plate of steaming hot... something in front of her.

"Mysterium veggies á la char. Enjoy." He sat down across from her. "But seriously, you will never want me cooking for you again. Even I'll stick to your sweets. So what'd you learn?"

"Only the location of their most in-use base, the code names of a few members, and two identities of their leader." Ruy sat forward, intrigued.


"A certain Mr. Forkle. He masquerades as Magnate Leto and Sir Astin." His eyes widened.

"But didn't Brant kill Mr. Forkle in Lumenaria?"

"Yeah, I thought so too. But it was definitely him- I could smell the ruckleberries." Ruy nodded, convinced.

"You gotta tell Fintan that. That's good intel."

"He can wait."


Black cloaks, flashing towards her.

One held back a struggling blond haired girl, about six years old. She felt herself scream a name, felt the throbbing pain in her head, as they picked her up.

The world disappeared in a flash of light.


Sonia woke up tangled in her sheets.

As she tried to get her heart rate back to normal, she strangle-hugged her glistening blue dragon, who, while she was stuffed, was still one of her best friends. You can't tell someone how awful they are if your mouth is stitched shut.

Sonia revisited the dream.

Gethen always said that she should think about what scared her, because often the fear was irrational. Sonia's photographic memory slipped through the dream... and slowed down on the girl.

Sonia caught a breath. The word sister played in her mind as she realized...

The girl had brown eyes.

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