chapter fifty-eight

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Chapter 58


Danbury, North Carolina

The dead of night was the most peaceful for vampires. The bright star set on burning them all was hidden, therefore allowing all vampires, regardless of age or status to roam freely. Not only that, but it's the time when humans are more cautious... more fearful. Feasting on their terror-coated blood mixed with tequila tasted of pure ecstasy. 

Yes, vampires loved the darkness. 

Yet inside his mansion, while the darkness covered his hallways, Finn Mikaelson woke with a start. Sweat dripped down his forehead, threatening to sting his eyes as it slid down to his eyelids. 

Panicked that his wife had awakened to these strange feelings as well, he flipped over, watching her sleeping frame for a couple of moments. 

She was still asleep. 

She was fast asleep instead of up terrified of the chills that ran down his spine. 

It was only him.

Throwing the covers off of him slowly, desperate not to wake Sage, he slid out of the darkened room, closing the door behind him. Instead of going to the bathroom to splash some water over his face, he went to the kitchen. 

He had married Sage as soon as they had become reacquainted. They met once again in Mystic Falls, but given their history, they left that damned city as fast as they arrived. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly, they were both there in search of each other. 

It was only then did they decided to forge the life that had been desperate to achieve for centuries. 

With a smile rising to his face, he passed the extra bedroom room they hoped would one day house a child. His smile dropped as another chill glided over his arms, producing small bumps. He was a vampire, an original vampire, he didn't get chill bumps. Something was deathly wrong. 

Perhaps some tea would shake these feelings from his skin. 

Walking down the stairs, letting them creek under his weight, his wandering eyes scanned over the living room. 

Sage had decorated the area quite well. Large planter boxes filled with plants of all species filled the right corner of their minimalistic living room. Not having much clutter meant that their house was normally tidy... everything was in place. 

And it was this fact that made him cease in his steps. The shades were always drawn and no one used the sofa in the formal living room. So when the shades weren't drawn and the pillows on the sofa had been re-arranged, he looked to his left. 

"Whoever is here, believe me, you are making a grave mistake." 

As a glass shatters in the kitchen, Finn speeds into the kitchen. Without hesitation, he wraps his arm around the intruder's throat, all but throwing them into the sink. A threat in his home meant that Sage wasn't safe and no one, including his family, would take her from him again.

"Brother," The woman called out, her small hand wrapped around his large one. "I cannot breathe and I do not wish to hurt you." 

Hearing the woman call him brother, caught him off guard. Releasing his hold on her, he stiffened as he looked into her eyes. 

Stumbling back, their eyes remained locked on each other, both fearful that they would forget each other if they looked away. As realization slowly seeped into Finn's brain, centuries of separation had no hold on him. Without uttering a word, he ran to her, embracing her tightly. 

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