chapter sixty

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Chapter 60


New Orleans, Louisiana.

Bonnie woke up with a start.

Turning over to face her alarm, the time flashed in her face.

4:32 am

She slipped out of bed, walking into the bathroom, praying she was in another dream conjured up from her desperation to see Klaus. Running the faucet and allowing cold water to soak into her pores, the only thing she saw in the mirror was herself.

Her eyes were red and puffy, probably from the three-hour sleep she had just gotten. Exhausted was an understatement, but she knew better than to try to go back to sleep. She would end up tossing and turning and wasting valuable time... Time she should be using to find out a way to get both Klaus and Davina back.

Going back in her bedroom, she stared at Alixandra's sleeping frame for a while. She found herself doing that - checking if her baby girl was still breathing. Making sure her baby monitors were on and turned up, she walked back into the bathroom and twisted the hot water on high in the shower.

As steam filled the bathroom, she started peeling off her clothes. When she was finally naked, she slid inside the shower and let the hot water assault her skin.

It burned.

But how could something hurt so much but feel so damn good?

Sliding her back down the wall, she didn't care about getting her hair wet. She tried to force herself to think like Klaus... to help him as he's helped her but whoever was cloaking him was powerful. Too powerful not be considered a threat.

Not only did she need to find Klaus, but she also needed to ensure she wouldn't die in the process. And now that Vincent Griffith already had the witches on his side, her plan of using the magic from being regent couldn't happen.

She just needed a little bit more power, then she was sure she could break the strongest of cloaking spells.

The bathroom quickly filled with steam from the heat of the shower, but she couldn't make herself care. Ever since she found out that she was a witch, she had been saving people. People who didn't give a flying fuck about her.

But the first time she actually needed to save someone who cared for her, she didn't have enough power.

Letting out a frustrated scream, she thrashed around on the floor of the shower, not knowing what much more she could do. This feeling... the hopelessness.... it reminded her of a time when she wasn't powerful at all.

When her grandmother was taken from her.

It felt like her grandmother was dying all over again.

She tried to shake those thoughts from her, but her efforts were clearly in vain. Nothing was helping her distract herself from the memories of all the people she had loved and lost. And right now, she was seriously contemplating if it was worth it.

If building the life she had always dreamed of was worth all this pain.

Brushing her hands over her face, she fought the urge to sob. Thoughts of her grandmother, of Klaus, of Davina, of everyone was quickly becoming too much. She needed to find Klaus, and soon, or else she would drive herself insane.

Placing her head against the back of the large shower wall, she banged her hand against the tile flooring. She had tried locator spells, tracking his cell phone, hell, using Elijah's blood as a binder for her worldwide tracker spell. But for some reason, nothing was working.

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