chapter sixty-one

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Chapter 61


No one liked silent car rides.

If one was experiencing a silent car ride, it was for one of two possible reasons. One, one of the occupants of said car ride was upset with you. Two, one of the occupants of said car ride was just simply upset.

The latter was proven to be correct in the two-hour drive from Layfette, Louisiana to New Orleans, Louisiana. Inside of the Tesla Model 3, belonging to the noble original, he and his lover rode in silence... only speaking with their eyes when they caught themselves looking at each other.

When the expensive car pulled up at the Compound, both doors flew open immediately. The vampires didn't waste any time in getting to the entrance of the home that had housed Mikaelsons for centuries.

Before the supernaturals could enter though, Elijah sped in front of the door, using his body as a barrier. The Mikaelson and the Bennett had a stare down for a couple of seconds, both of them saying with their eyes what they didn't want to say aloud.

"Mina," Elijah called out slowly. "Proceed with caution–"

Mina held up her hand, her eyes dark with fury. "Your brother is missing. Davina is missing. Bonnie has been miserable," She listed, holding up a finger for every offense she named. "And it may all be because one little girl fooled us all."

Elijah firmly stood his ground. "Isabel is but a child."

"So is Davina!" Mina snapped. "Get out of my way or I will break your neck."

The original only stood his ground firmer. "Just months ago, we swore to one another that we would end this constant cycle of distrust. Isabel is family and therefore we will not form a conclusion before we speak to her."

"Elijah," Mina said warningly. "I said move."

When Elijah didn't move, Mina almost inched towards him to make due to her threat. However, hearing footsteps rapidly get closer to them, she didn't. Now wasn't the time to have the only original they had unconscious.

"You two are back?"

Mina's anger, which had started to diminish very, very slowly, had returned tenfold. "Isabel," Mina barked, walking closer to the girl. "I'm going to ask you one time then I'm going to get a little less nice. Where is Klaus?"

The girl froze, the chip in her hand remaining uneaten. She looked past Mina to Elijah in shock before setting her chips down. "I don't know. Bonnie hasn't found him yet."

Mina restrained herself. "Isabel, I swear–"

"Your name was on a list of Strix coven members," Elijah confessed quickly. In his mind, the girl would speak more freely if the hardest part was already said. "I do think it is wise for you to explain why."

Isabel dropped the bag of chips in her hand and backed up fast. Her eyes filled with fear and her heart sped up as the name echoed through her brain. "Strix?" She asked, shaking her head. "I–I have to go."

Before the little girl could break out in a sprint, Mina caught her arm, keeping her in position. "Isabel, you need to tell us what's going on."

Crying out in pain at the force of Mina's hold, Isabel felt her eyes water. "It's not what it looks like, I promise. Please, you're hurting me."

"Enough of this," Elijah ended. "Release her."

Mina shook her head. Her grip increased as her nails dug into Isabel's skin. "Our family is missing. If you know something, speak."

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