chapter sixty-two

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Chapter 62


Bonnie Bennett quickly hopped out of the vehicle along with Marcel. Her memory didn't exactly give her an address, but she could feel something in her stomach guiding her. And so, because she had no other option, she followed the feeling.

Her gut, or magic, had led her to what looked like a mansion. It was quite big in both height and size. It looked as if it extended for acres and its height could rival that of the Eiffel Tower.

"How the hell are we going to find them quickly?" Marcel asked, his first thought is to find Davina. She had got wrapped into this unfairly and he would do anything in his power to find her.

Bonnie took a couple of steps to the door as she heard Mina and Elijah's car pull up next to the one she drove. Closing her eyes, she forced herself to relive her spell.



No windows.

"Basement," Bonnie confirmed, opening her eyes again. "Klaus is in the basement."

Mina and Elijah both sped up to the duo who had made it before them. "So, in your spell," Mina started, remembering what Bonnie had told her on the phone while driving here. "... did you happen to see if there were guards?"

Bonnie sighed as she shook her head. "No, but it doesn't matter. I'll kill anyone I see."

"I'm on board with that," Marcel chanted. Clapping, he sped towards the door and was immediately thrown backwards. His body hit the grassed ground with a thud. "That just ruined my entrance."

"Boundary spell," Mina started. As Bonnie lifted her hands to chant a spell, Mina shook her head. "Siphoner witch, remember? Save your magic for the fight we'll inevitably have to join in on."

Holding her hands to the invisible barrier, Mina's hands turned a bright red as she tilted her head back in pleasure. Feeling magic flow from a source and into her body was one of the best things she had ever experienced.

It wasn't long until the ground shook with terror as the barrier completely fell.

"Let's go," Mina nodded. The four supernaturals prepared themselves for a fight but as they bursted through the door, they were surprised to not be met with anyone. Shrugging, Mina linked her arms with Bonnie's and sped throughout the house.

"Question," Marcel's voice echoed from the other side of the house. "Does anyone know where the basement door is?"

Bonnie took a step back from Mina. She closed her eyes again and let the world spin around her. As she was thrust back into the memory of her spell once more, her heart rate sped up.

Come on, Klaus. We don't have long. Just show me a sign.

Suddenly, a loud noise came from below them. Everyone froze regardless of where they were in the house. Bonnie looked around, wondering if she would hear it again. And from where?


"Over here!" Marcel yelled, with his vampire strength, he rammed his body up against the locked door. Toppling it over, he felt the presence of his family come up behind them. Taking off running, Bonnie easily bypassed Marcel.

"Klaus!" Bonnie yelled. "NIK!"

As she rounded the incredibly long staircase, her footsteps ceased. Bonnie's face dropped and her shoulders dropped in defeat. Mina looked at her cousin in shock, also freezing. "Bonnie," She called out slowly. "What's wrong, babe?"

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