thanks + sequel

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Jesus, this is so hard

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Jesus, this is so hard.

I remember when I was first typing out the first chapter and I can't believe I just finished the last chapter. This journey has been so... long... and rewarding for me. I have met so many new people and have learned so much about me through writing this story.

So thank you for following along as a girl does her thing.

Ending this book feels like I'm ending an era of my life and I'm not even joking. If you've been here from the beginning, you know that I've been working on this since like 2021.

I literally can't thank you enough for reading this and supporting me as I figure out who I am through these characters.

This whole message isn't just a compilation of me being sappy, so I guess I'll stop now.

I know what you guys really want... information about the sequel!!




Okay, so, drum roll, please 🥁

"Legacies" will hopefully be published by the beginning of August 2024!

This book will follow Alixandra's life as she navigates through life and the Mikaelson Academy for Supernaturals.

I will probably publish the first chapter here so stay tuned! I'm excited for all of you to see what I have planned for the new Mikaelson/Bennett heiress.




I do plan to release "one shots" but longer of some of the couples to make their characters make sense. So stay on the lookout for that! (Elijah and Mina's book will contain their wedding!)

Feel free to follow me so you don't miss those updates/announcements.

Don't be afraid to ask me any questions.

I love you guys.

I thank you guys.

Peace out.

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