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I arrived in the training room after talking to Varga. I just need to blow off some steam after I try to contact again. Seeing that no one was there yet I sat on the floor cross legged, I began to feel the bond with my lion and thought of Shiro. Connected with him.

"Shiro please respond." I said aloud. I heard a distant roar and suddenly I was in the same scene as earlier surrounded by a purple hue.

"Keith." I stood up and approached him, this time he seemed more confused since I was the one contacting him.

"I need to know exactly where you are on Naxzela. Anything that could help me."

"I don't know exactly but I know that our paladin gear is being held in the same building as we are a few floors down so maybe that will help you figure it out." He stood there in his black under suit, his uniform being stripped away. I assumed all of their gear was being kept in the same place.

"Where are the others? Are you all together?" He nodded telling me that they were.

"We're coming to get you Shiro as soon as possible. Hold on until then." I said in a serious tone.

"We'll try." He said with a small smile.

I smiled back before the purple and my brother faded away. I opened my eyes to see the Waynes gathered in front of me looking carefully. I moved backwards from surprise. Why were they all so close and... studying me?

"Were you just talking to that Shiro guy?" Duke asked like he was quizzing me.

"Yeah." I got up and they backed away a little bit to give myself personal space.

"Feel free to use this room to train, they have high tech equipment here too." I said trying to change the subject.

"Just from your body language we can tell that you're stressed out. Tell us what's wrong?" Dick asked with a sympathetic look in his eyes. I avoided eye contact because I thought it would be more effective, apparently I was wrong.

"I... Everything? There's so much going on right now and I'm the one who has to figure this out. I don't have my team anymore." I explained. I immediately felt guilty, they didn't need to know about any of this.

"It's okay. Just know that we're here." Jason gave me a slight smile. I instantly felt a little more comforted by it.

"Did Jason just say something nice for one?" Steph asked. He looked at her with a slight glare before it was silent again. We all stayed there for a minute before I came up with an idea.

"Want to try the gladiator?" I suggested. This seemed to grab their interest...

"Here we are." I tried to sound enthusiastic but it came out sarcastic.

"This is just a white room." Damian said confused obviously wondering where the gladiator was. I laughed at him before deciding to explain.

"The gladiator appears when given a command or when someone is in that control room there." I pointed to it. The room was almost painfully similar to the one in the Castle of Lions.

"I'll be up there just in case I need to shut it off for you, come on Babs. Give it a try everyone." I smiled while walking to an elevator that led to the control room and Barbara followed me in.

When we got in there I saw almost everything was the same as in the Castle. You really outdid yourself Holt... I pressed the speaker button while standing up so they could see me better.

"I'll start off with an easy one. Also please don't destroy it..." I sighed mostly talking to Damian.

"Who's going first?"

[Alone] Keith x Batfam crossover Where stories live. Discover now