Long rides

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"I'm back now let's get me a comm." I said with the bag slung over my shoulder. I walked back into the living room to see them all in almost the same spots as when I left. Except now Jason had a bag with him that I assume he was using to hold his stuff.

"How is this supposed to work?" Barbara asked while we all walked to the library to go to the cave.

"My comms can be adjusted to connect to yours so as long as I have one it should be fine." I said while looking at the time on the clock before the hands were turned to get into the cave. It's been almost twenty minutes now. We should be right on time.

"Wait isn't it alien tech?" Tim asked really interested.

"I already know what you're going to ask and yes I'll give you some alien tech when I get back." I laughed as we were now in the cave. There was so much here it was hard to take in. There was a damn T Rex... Are you kidding me?

"Here. It powers on when you put it in your ear or take it out of the case. Jason can show you how to switch to other channels and settings." She handed me a case with two comms in it for both ears.

"Once I have access to more technology at the Garrison I'll be able to contact you in another way." I told Barbara.

"Let me tell Varga to get ready we'll pick him up on the way."

Time skip

Alfred drove us to a private airport where a MFE pilot should be waiting for us. I had changed into my Blade of Marmora suit before we left to pick up Varga who was also in his suit. This time he took off his mask since the Wayne's now knew the secret. I fidgeted with my fingers almost the entire ride there. 

"Keith are you nervous?" Jason whispered to me while the others were talking amongst themselves.

I am nervous thanks for noticing. I'm only wondering all of that bad things that can happen to you while we're up there. In space. Somewhere that is always changing and unknown. This will be your first time you don't even know what you got yourself into...

"A little yeah. These missions have killed so many Blade of Marmora members I used to know. You shouldn't be coming Jason." I said a little bitterly. His face showed understanding as he placed a hand on mine to stop me from picking at my own skin. His thumb caressed the back of my hand a bit.

"Aw you're worried about me." He said in a teasing tone obviously trying to make me feel better. I felt my face get a little hot for some reason but ignored it.

"Damn right I am." I mumbled back. He let out a light laugh at this and removed his hand off mine. For some reason I felt the anxiety fade from me.

"We'll be arriving soon." Alfred said from the driver's seat of the limo. This seemed to stop everyone's individual conversations with each other.

"Thank you all. For believing in me." I said to them, they all smiled. Even though they knew my heritage... Who I was and where I come from they aren't holding it against me now. They've accepted me more than the paladins ever did.

"You'll always have a spot with us Keith." Dick said.

"Even if I don't have a job yet?" Most of them laughed.

"Yes, even if you don't have a job." Bruce sighed but I could hear that it was light hearted.

The limo stopped and we looked up. I saw one MFE plane and pilot standing in front of it and with my luck of course it was Griffin.

"Oh my god..." I groaned. We sort of made up after I came to Earth the last time but we weren't exactly friends.

"What is it?"

"James Griffin. I punched him in the face for being an asshole when I still went to the Garrison. We worked together when Voltron was on Earth around a year ago."

"Voltron was on Earth?" Barbara asked confused. Varga looked at me too. Even he didn't hear about Voltron being on Earth because he wasn't as close to the Blade of Marmora anymore.

"You punched him?" Bruce asked in his authoritative Dad voice, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes and yes. Voltron was here awhile ago. When Earth was under attack do you remember?"

They all nodded.

"I thought it was the Garrison who defeated the aliens?" Damian raised a brow.

"No, it was Voltron. They just didn't make Voltron public because it wasn't necessary." I said as Alfred parked us a little ways away from the MFE and Griffin. Varga glanced over at me with a small smile and nodded as if saying 'it's time to go'.

I sighed deeply. This could be the last time I see any of them ever again. I feel a guilt swell up in me as I think about how they'd react if Jason and I die in space. Sometimes I regret leaving but I know I'd regret staying even more.

"Let's go." I said grabbing my bag with a hand and slinging it over my shoulder.

"Turn your comm on when the meeting is about to start, you'll have to give us a few minutes to be ready." Barbara told me and I nodded.

"Good luck. Don't get hurt you three." Tim said with a tired sounding sigh. He probably missed his coffee.

"Don't worry I'll protect Jason for you guys." I smiled. Jason looked at me with a face that said 'really?'

I looked at everyone in the vehicle for another second taking in their expressions before opening the door and getting out. Hopefully this isn't the last time I see them... Jason and Varga followed me grabbing their own bags.

"So?" Jason asked after the car door was closed.

"So what?" I glanced at him. He seemed pretty serious compared to a minute ago.

"What's going to happen when we get there?"

"We'll have a minute to settle in and then we'll get briefed. After that I'm not sure." I responded as we walked up to Griffin. He had a frown on his face which was pretty common.

"Keith, took you long enough."

"James. This is Jason and that's Varga." I said introducing them and ignoring his comments. They both scanned him with their eyes. I could tell that Varga didn't like him already with his arrogant attitude. Jason... I'm not too sure, he seems conflicted with Griffin.

"Nice to meet you two but we need to get going. Can't keep Iverson waiting." He said putting on his helmet again. I rolled my eyes and looked back at the car, they were still here. Were they waiting for us to leave? I smiled before helping Jason and Varga into the MFE. We all sat close together in the back since they weren't exactly made for four people.

"So how's it been Keith?" Griffin asked as he pressed buttons on his control panel, he was starting the ship.

"It's been okay. How about you?" I asked as he started powering it up, it was getting ready for launch.

"Eh, nothing much. I've mostly been flying experiments made by Mr. Holt."

"Oh." I looked down at my lap, I forgot I was going to have to see him again too. Hopefully he felt differently about me than Pidge did... No, that isn't important. Even if he hates me I need to think about what's most important, getting Voltron back and protecting the universe.

I felt the ship begin to speed towards the end of the landing zone before lifting off into the sky.

This was going to be a long ride...

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