Where Is Amber

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Something was very wrong. I went home that day that I got the call that Amber was suspended. Followed by a second phone call saying she never went back to the school to get her homework. I knew her well enough to know that she would've gone back. So here I was at the school and looking for clues about her whereabouts.

"Mr. Argent?" I turned and saw Scott McCall.

I stormed up to him, "where is Amber?"

I was surprised when Stiles stepped in between Scott and I. He looked angry.

"You need to choose a side. Your daughter is safe, but you're lucky she is alive. Why don't you go ask your wife and crazy sister where she is?" What?

"Her mother nor Kate would ever harm Amber," Stiles scoffed at me, "then you're stupid and don't want to face the facts. Your wife drugged her own daughter and handed her over to your sister who electrocuted her to the point she almost died. So don't come looking for her. She is safe where she is and that isn't with you."

In the short time I had been around Stiles he had always been quiet when I was confronting Scott. Today was different. There was a hatred in his voice that I had never heard from him before.

"You have no right to keep her from me. She is still a minor and my daughter. Tell me where she is, now." Stiles hit me in the face.

"No. She's safe and no longer your concern." He stormed away leaving a surprised Scott behind.

"Where is she, Scott?" He shook his head.

"Stiles already told you. It's no longer your concern, until you can ensure her safety from her mother and aunt she doesn't want to come home. She won't come home, even if you try to force her. We won't let you take her either." Scott walked away from me which made me angry.

"She is my daughter! Give her back!" I felt a gun pressed against my head.

"Step away from my son and his friend, Argent. I don't want you anywhere near them. You are not allowed to ask them questions without their parents permission or around. So step away, now." I moved away from Scott and faced the Sheriff.

"Where is my daughter, Noah?" He lowered the gun.

"Safe and healing. Your wife drugged her and your sister electrocuted her to the point her heart had to be shocked back into rhythm. So you go home and I will protect your daughter. Something you clearly know nothing about." He holstered his gun and pointed at my car.

"Leave. Before I have you arrested for child endangerment." I frowned at him.

Stiles would've never gotten his father involved, unless it was life and death.

"She is my daughter. I haven't laid a finger on her," he was in front of me so fast, "I don't care. You expect to take her back to your home where her mother is who drugged her and aunt who is also there and she electrocuted your daughter for being an Empath, and yes I know what that means. If you think for one moment I will release your daughter back into your care you are sorely mistaken. Now leave."

The hatred in his eyes was something I had only ever witnessed when dealing with wolves angry I hurt or killed their pack. Now that it was pointed at me by a human who was trying to protect my daughter I was at a loss for words.

"I will get her back," he hit me, "no you won't. You go anywhere near my home and I will charge your wife and sister. Do you understand me?"

I started to speak when I heard a growl. Scott was now behind Noah and so was Stiles.

"Fine. I'll leave, but I will get her back under my roof," Stiles stepped forward, "over my dead body. You will never hurt her again. If I ever see you next to her or within 10 feet of her I will make you stay away. Leave, now!"

I gasped as his eyes flashed red and then turned back to normal.

"I'll leave for now, but I will get my daughter back." Stiles shook his head.

"No you won't." I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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