Chapter 1

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I smiled at the customer as they ordered. I wrote it down and made my way to the chef's kitchen.

"Rodney, I need two orders of the Lobster Special." I yelled to him.

"Right on it champ."He laughed. I smiled back at him as I went and prepared their drinks.

It took me a while to perfect the oz. of how much I needed to put in there, but it was fine. I walked over to their table with a smile still upon my face.

"Here are your drinks and the food will be right with you." They both nodded. As I turned my back I heard my name.


I turned around with the same smile upon my face.

"Yes, is there anything you need?" "My son will be here in a minute could you bring him a glass of water or a beer? He's very shy, so he only drinks the basics now..." Smiling at her request, I went and grabbed a glass of water.

When I made my way back to the table I saw HIM... The sexiest guy on earth! When our eyes connected a shiver went down my spine. I winked at him.

"Here's your water,sir."I sat the glass down infront of him.

"T-Tha-ank You..." He stuttered. I nodded leaving. I went to the kitchen and grabbed their meals. Making my way to their table, again, I set the meals down.

"Would you like anything,sir?" I looked at HIM. "Uh, Just reccommend anything." He looked at the table. I saw his parents both roll their eyes at his demanour.

"Alright, then steak and potatoes with a side of steamed broccolli. It's my favorite. Is that alright?"

"Perfect." he whispered barely audible. I made my way to another table and took their order. Luckily it was a nice family. I made my back to the kitchen.

"I see you already putting your plan into motion, You nasty girl!." Rodney spoke in truth.

"Like you wouldn't. But I have 5 orders. my favorite. Two hamburgers with fries, Chicken wings with a side salad and lastly a plate of ribs with maccaroni and pasta."

"Who the fuck am I feeding North America! Like who needs all that food?" I laughed at him.

"This is the part-time job you chose, but look on the bright side... Our last day is tomorrow,so suck it up." He sneered at me.

"You say it like it's a good thing." I laughed "It is, but later we can go celebrate and have a splendid time."

He smirked.

"I'll hold you to that promise." I left leaving him to cook and prepared the family's drinks. I made my way over to their table and handed everyone their correct drink.

When I turned around I saw HIM looking at me. I continued walking pretending not to notice.

I went back to the kitchen and grabbed the kids Burgers and fries. As I left I passed by a table with just a man sitting there in all black. Even though he wasn't in my sitting area I couldn't help, but help him.

"Would you like anything?" I said politely.

"No thank you ma'am." He said in a deep voice. I nodded taking my leave.

I set down the kid's meals, "Your food will be with you shortly."

And that's how another hour continued. Me just taking orders and serving.

I made my way over to HIS table , when I heard HIS father yell

"Check, please!"

With their check in hand I set it on the table. HIS eyes met mine for a second before he blushed and looked down at the table.

"Excuse me, Lexi what is your name?" I turned my attention to HIS mother.

"My name is Alexis Love."

I gave a smile.

"What a lovely name. I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with my son here."

"Oh,.... umm.... sure why not..."

She smiled, but I could tell it was kind of fake. "Then we'll leave you two here. C'mon Alex."

HIS parents got up and left leaving HIM sitting there.

"So...what's your name?" I smiled genuinely at HIM. I'm not a hoe and nor will I ever be, but HE has the only exception of being my blind date... if you could call it that.

"My name is Embryo. Embryo Satin."

We shook hands and fell into a slight comfortable silence until my name was called.

"Well, I get off at 4,so could we talk then."

He nodded.

"I-I'll still be here. Only I-if you want m-me to." He waved his hands infront of him displaying his gesture.

I gave a short laugh. "Just give another hour then."

I walked away to the kitchen and took the orders for the new couple that sat in my area. I took over the Lobster Special and set it down.

"Call me if you need anything else." I smiled bowing a little. Stupid habit!

An hour passed gladly, and I saw that Embryo was still sitting there. I took off my apron and walked into the 'customer only' door. I put the apron in my locker and changed my clothes from work into the normal. I wore an oversized, off-the-shoulder knit sweater with some normal black jean shorts. I put on my converse sneakers and made my way out carrying my purse.

I went to Embroyo's table as he stood up at my arrival.

"So this is date numer one? I questioned, He nodded hesistantly.

I grabbed his hand intertwining it with mine.

"Let's go then."

We walked out of the resturant and made our way to his car. It was a nice BMW if I do say myself. He unlocked the doors and opened for me. I climbed in and put my hand under the seat.

He got it and looked at me.

"Is... something wrong?"

"I'm very short, so I'm adjusting the seat." The seat moved up slightly till the point of comfort.

He laughed.

"That's cute."

He blushed.


"Your laugh, weirdo."

We both laughed leaving the car atmosphere to content. I watched as the city passed by overtime. Losing myself in the scenery. I would always remember this.

We came to a stop at a local park.

"I-is this a-al- alright?" I turned my attention to Enmbryo.

"This is great." He smiled getting out the car and jogging over to my side opening it. I got out and started to look around. I felt Embryo's warm hand grab mine and we started our walk. We talked for what seemed like minutes turned into hours. The things we talked about were from a scale of importance to random. We talked about his family, him, even his long lost girlfriend. A girl named Luna Amor. At first I didn't want to hear it, but I hate when I read stories on past ex-girlfriends trying to ruin your lives.

"So is there something that your not telling me Mr Satin." I laughed at his honesty.

"Well,.... There is o-ne thing." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Alright. Alright, let it out..." I reassured him. "My family is very dangerous. I'm hoping this isn't a deal breaker, but I promise I'm not involved with them. My parents are in the mafia..." I stood still looking him in the eye. THE MAFAI?! DAFUQ!

"And you promise that your not in it?" He nodded.

"Then we shouldn't have any problems. Just remember I'm dating you not them." He laughed at my statement.

"Is it weird to say it feels like i've known you all my life."

"Honestly, no."I smiled squeezing his hand a little. And that was how our first date went. And so has our others for 6 months. Until it finally happened....

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