The love shovel 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

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Chapter 1 thmut/lemon, gay thex, themi public thex?

*Thex scene warning*


Zander took Zealan's hand and brought him to the empty classroom.

"Shhh bbg, I'll take care of you properly as soon as we get there~

Zealan whined at that and said

"Hurry pwease 🥺"

When they arrived Zander pushed zealan against the door and started to make out with him

Zander slowly stripped zealan of his clothes before taking off his own

He ran his hands over Zealan's waist and hipth and lightly dug his nails into the skin

He placed soft kisses over his neck stopping ever so often to leave marks

His hands travelled up and down Zealan's torso, gently squeezing as he passes along

He pulled away with one last kith and then took his peenie wallie in his hand and lined it up with Zealan's entrance

Zealan dragged his nails down the door he was presses against when goodie started moving

He bit his lip to contain any noises that might escape his mouth Incase anyone passed by outside

He pressed his head against the door, mouth dropped open but no noises left

Zander bit down on Zealan's shoulder to keep in a m-word that was abt to escape him

*A lil skip*

In that same hall adriannaye and kaijhay were making out on their way to the same empty classroom (it isn't so empty anymore tho is it?) completely unaware of the ppl in there

Kaijhay opened door on the other opposite side of the room bc yk, they were coming from that way

And then he stopped. he looked back at Adriannaye and before he could tell her not to come in she pushed her way through.

Bc yk, she a adriannaye, she made a bit of noise when she entered which of course, Zealan and Zander heard....

Btw a bit of a backstory, adriannaye deh wid Zealan and she's also with Zander, but Zander don't know seh she deh wid Zealan and Zealan doh know seh she deh wid Zander. And she deh wid kaijhay to but kaijhay know bout Zealan and Zander.

Anyway back to the story

Zealan and Zander immediately shot their heads to the door where the sound came from and they saw adriannaye standing there in utter shock (😧)

Zander pulled outa Zealan and started fixing his clothes and Zealan did the thame

When Zander finished putting on his clothes adriannaye was still there bc yh

"Baby it's not what it looks like!"

When Zealan heard that he piped up

"Baby??? What are you talking about??"
"Adriannaye is my girlfriend...."

When dem put two and two together they also started to wonder why kaijhay was here...

When dem put two and two together they also started to wonder why kaijhay was here

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Part 2?????

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