The love shovel part 4

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Adriannaye suddenly burst into tears,"I can't believe this,all of you,,unu a give mi BUN!"

Zealan hiss his teeth n roll his eyes
"Girl move out a mi way mia gah class"

Zealan left the room and Zander followed behind him

When they arrived at class, adriannaye moved her desk and chair at the back of the class behind the door bc she didn't wanna be near any of them rn

For almost the entirety of the class she wasn't able to focus bc she was looking at Zander and Zealan who were now beside each other

"Mi cyah blv seh Dem do mi like this, all kaijhay to, was Zander rt? Was she rlly suh ugly that nobody nuh want har?" She thought

Adriannaye! Ms Jenkins shouted
"Daydreaming alr? Is who you thinking abt suh early?"(Is afternoon registration)

Adriannaye rlly was not having it tdy suh she tell har what she's abt

"Ms pls leave me alone mi rlly cyah badda wid yuh rn"

"Eh eh, what happened to sweet little adriannaye class?"
"That's 25 demerits young lady "

Adriannaye hiss har teeth and roll har eyes after har

Ms Jenkins hit adriannaye Pon har shoulder
"And a detention! Make sure I see you after school!"

"Ms wahm to yuh mn, chro"

"Do not speak to me like that, have some manners"

*Time skippp*

After school adriannaye rlly n truly neva ago guh to Jenkins, she did a consider transfer atp, BUT she had a better idea. If they were gonna make her life hell, she was gonna make theirs worser.

So she went home and started a 8r mixup page bc what else are you gonna do when somebody hurts you, act mature? Like ew, no

The first thing she posted was that, can you guess what it is? If you guessed posting that Zander n zealan a lovas, That's roighttt

She kinda hesitated before hitting the share button but came to the conclusion that they deserved it for what they did to her

"Should I write one abt kaijhay? Hm..., maybe tmrw, I'll keep this up for now"

*The next day bc yh*

Adriannaye js arrived at skl and walked in the classroom to see Zander and Zealan cussing out kaijhay

*Btw a only dem deh Ina di class or so they thought....*

"Wtf??is this abt the post?"She thought

She put down her bag n wtv and then mogle guh ova to where Zander them deh

When Zander saw her him immediately start to shout after har to

"Adriannaye come tell yuh man fi tek down the Instagram post bout me and Zealan!"

Kaijhay shouted back "and tell him seh a neva me post nth!"

"Like seh we ago blv yuh!" Zealan said

"Mnk nth eno, for all mi knw you and Zealan could've made that post to draw attention to yourselves and make me seem like the bad guy" adriannaye told him as she crossed her arms

"Are you gonna help or not, bc if you aren't you can just leave" Zander said

"Well then I guess I'm leaving " she shrugged her shoulders and left the classroom.

I'm not gonna disappoint you gize dw

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