the love shovel pt.5 👨🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏾

12 0 6

Warningzz: make-up thex, peenie wallie in vaginerr, cussing probably,


So adriannaye left rt, and Zander a
give har a dutty look.

So yk the holes in the walls, bc Dem a do them own thing Dem neva realize seh a certain someone was videoing them through the holes

And that certain someone wasssssssssss *drum roll* rattyyyyy

Suh she did a past fi guh dugu dugu wid a man, not har man, a man, and that's when she heard all the commotion in the class.

In her head she thought: ooh, mi have the perfect opportunity fi get back at Adriannaye (the break-up of ratty and adriannaye reference)

Suh she tek out latty phone n a video di ppl Dem

*Time skip to lunch time🎀*

Adriannaye Ina class using her phone as usual, and then she went on Instagram and the first thing she saw on her feed was the video of her and her man dem arguing on an anon acc

Adriannaye immediately texted the acc n told them to take it down panicking bc if anyone else were to see this she would never live it down

And to break her out of her thoughts she got a notification, a text back from the acc telling her to meet them in last session at the prayer garden (what a condition) and she responded saying yeth

*Time thkip to after thchool*

Adriannaye pulls up to the prayer garden looking around for someone when she see's ratty. Immediately she's furious at finding out that her ex best friend is the one leaking her secrets

She walks up to ratty and before she could even say anything ratty kissed her???

But what surprise adriannaye the most is that she liked it.... (Probably gonna get herpes or sumn) But she liked it

She held ratty by the waist and kissed her back

(GIZE, there's a thex thene here but mi too lazy fi write it rn so I'll make that later)

*The next day*

Zander and Zealan are hanging out and playing cod or wtv on the benches outside at lunch and Zealan could've sworn he heard something, it sounds like kissing? But he heard it behind them...

"Bro, Zander, you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Js listen"


"Oh shittt, yes I do hear it, who do you think it is?"

"Idk let's go check"

They got up and went around to peak behind the bushes when they saw who it was their jaws dropped

"What the fuck..."

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